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沿着我稚嫩的手臂,流进腋窝。Along my tender arm, into the axillary.

腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的。Armpit, axilla, axillary cavity , axillary fossa.

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腋窝痒是怎么回事?Axillary how is itching to return a responsibility?

腋芽或侧芽是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。Axillary or lateral buds develop in the leaf axils.

腋芽隐藏下方肉质叶,叶柄。Axillary buds are hidden beneath fleshy leaf petioles.

长枝每个叶腋均可见到腋芽。Each branch of the axillary long can see axillary bud.

花聚集成为顶生或腋生圆锥花序。Flowers aggregated into terminal or axillary panicles.

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它是有执照在英国只有腋窝多汗症。It is licensed in the UK for Axillary hyperhidrosis only.

您知道人体腋窝的正常温度范围吗?Do you know the range of normal axillary body temperature?

花序顶生密伞圆锥花序或腋生聚伞花序。Inflorescences terminal cymose panicles or axillary cymes.

右侧腋窝出现了一个硬块是什么疾病?On the right side of axillary appeared what disease is a nugget?

带腋芽茎段优于带顶芽茎段。The stem with axillary buds is better than that with apical buds.

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腋窝脂肪抽吸后,腋窝淋巴清扫变得容易。The suction of the fat in axilla makes axillary dissection easier.

下部腋生枝条顶芽作外植体比其他部位取材褐变率低。The terminal bud is better than axillary bud for its lower browning rate.

腋神经主要分支有前支和后支。Anterior and posterior branches are the main branches of the axillary nerve.

提出腋静脉是由贵要静脉延续而成。It is suggested that the axillary vein is the continuation of the basilic vein.

腋窝卷的正确使用方法,是放在腋窝的尾端的胸廓下。Proper placement of the axillary roll is under the thorax caudad to the axilla.

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在烟叶生产中,烟株打顶之后腋芽会迅速发生。Axillary bud will grow quickly after decapitation during tobacco leaf production.

腋窝淋巴结状况为内乳淋巴结转移的重要影响因素。Axillary node status was an important predictor of intramammary lymphatic metastasis.

传统的丰胸手术采取全麻,从腋窝下切口。Conventional breast enhancement surgery adopts complete hemp, from axillary next cut.