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这个故事与一个贫穷的伐木工人有关。The story is about a poor woodsman.

当地的樵夫来警告你一下。Just a local woodsman here to warn you.

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门马上打开了,一位樵夫走了出来。The door opened and out came a woodsman.

那个樵夫到底是从哪儿冒出来的!Where the hell did the woodsman come from?

樵夫背着柴火下山了。The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill.

其实这个樵夫是后来加进故事的。Well, the woodsman was a later addition to the tale.

丘卡-特罗克是恩多森林卫星的伊渥克樵夫。Chukha-Trok was an Ewok woodsman on the forest moon of Endor.

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缅茵州的伐木人坐在一段有数百年年轮的木桩上。The Maine woodsman sits on a stump whose rings number centuries of growth.

发现布的樵夫则尽其所能背起布走。Therefore, the other woodsman abandoned the cotton and carried the cloth on his back.

第二天早上樵夫醒来,发现门外有一棵非常美丽、闪闪发亮的耶诞树。The woodsman woke the next morning to find a beautiful glittering tree outside his door.

然后,来了一个过路的樵夫,剖开大灰狼的肚子,救出了小红帽和外婆。Then, a passing woodsman comes and cuts Red and Grandma out of the wolf, saving the day.

一个个子魁梧,身体壮实的伐木人依着岸边的一颗树。A tall, brawny woodsman stood leaning against a tree which stood upon the bank of the river.

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另一个传说是,很久以前,有一个贫穷的樵夫,在耶诞夜遇到一个迷了路,又十分饥饿的小男孩。Yet another legend tells of a poor woodsman who long ago met a lost and hungry child on Christmas Eve.

故事结束了,没有樵夫,没有外婆,只有大灰狼和小红帽。And here the story ends. There is no woodsman – no grandmother – just a fat wolf and a dead Red Riding Hood.

那个樵夫别打晕那只大野狼在把它带到深山里让它不能在出来骚扰人类。The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother people any longer.

士兵赶走了这个林中人,并威胁他说,如果他再敢接近他的未婚妻就会有一个怎样可怕的结果。The soldier drove the woodsman away, threatening him with dire consequences if he ever approached the maiden again.

樵夫出现的情节,像不像因为试映糟糕而找人重写的剧本?That woodsman showing up seemed a little like a third act re-write of a movie due to bad test screenings, didn't it?

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又走了一段路,背布的樵夫望见不远处的地上散落着数坛黄金。After walking for a while, the woodsman who carried the cloth spotted several jars of gold disseminated on the ground not far away.

嗯,孩子。你已经学习了一个宝贵的经验。幸好你大声疾呼让樵夫听到!There, there, child. You've learned an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!

该则童话故事的结局我们再熟悉不过——小红帽为伐木者所救,恶狼也为其所杀。The version of this tale that most of us are familiar with ends with Riding Hood being saved by the woodsman who kills the wicked wolf.