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或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。Dor locate flying insects on which they feed.

绳子对胜利的制绳者来说是真正的财产。The rope is proper property to the prospering rope dor.

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多尔国的人们和耗子们和平共处。And the people of Dor lived side by side with their rats.

你相信缘分吗?那是一种神秘而又美丽的牵系,至于我们之间,我只想告诉你,我很珍惜。As dor us two , Ionly want to tell you , that's what I cherish.

蛋糕制造者无缘无故地用抖动的耙子摇一条赤的蛇。The cake dor shakes a naked snake dawn the quaking rake lacking sake.

室壁瘤组心室形态改善显著。The shape of Dor group changed most significantly among the three groups.

这一机制表明DOR在吗啡耐受发展中所起的重要作用。This novel mechanism can clarify the critical role of DOR in the development of morphine tolerance.

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安提约古便面对多辣扎营,跟从他的有步兵十二万,骑兵八千。Antiochus encamped before Dor with a hundred and twenty thousand soldiers and eight thousand horsemen.

那是一种神秘而又美丽的牵系,至于我们之间,我只想告诉你,我很珍惜。It is a mysterious but beautiful tie, As dor us two , I only want to tell you , that's what I cherish.

他点燃了反推进装置,打开背部喷射器,让速度减慢,并向行星区域靠近了几米。Instead he fired retros and kicked his dor sal jets to halve his velocity and knock him a few meters planet-ward.

你相信缘分吗?那是一种神秘而又美丽的牵系,至于我们之间,我只想告诉你,我很珍惜。Do you believe in fate ?It is a mysterious but beautiful tie, As dor us two , I only want to tell you , that's what I cherish.

土生土长的凯尔多尔人以黑白分明的道德观和对与错的清晰分辨而著称。Kel Dor natives have a reputation for seeing moral issues in black and white, with clear distinctions between right and wrong.

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警方表示,这只三岁大的母拉拉名叫「朵儿」,上个月某天傍晚,朵儿和饲主和田浩一到日本西部的岩出市散步时突然开始狂吠。The three-year-old black Lab, named ' Dor , suddenly started barking when she was taking a walk with her owner, Koichi Wada, in the western city of Iwade one evening last month, a police officer said.

在古代近东地区,被摧毁的城市一般较平坦,那么新城就可以建于废墟之上,这些土丘被称作“退尔“你们也许听过,这些就是小土丘,它们代表着一层层被摧毁又重建的城市。In the Ancient Near East, destroyed cities tended to be leveled, and then a new city would just be built on top of the ruins, Tell Dor each one of those is called a tell These are mounds which represent the successive layers of destroyed and rebuilt cities.