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连续地传递同样的讯息,其精确性会逐渐降低。Successive transmissions of the same message are decreasingly accurate.

随着事件的流逝,这些尝试在实际的负载下似乎是渐渐的失去效果。But across time, these heuristics appear to be decreasingly effective under real loads.

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自然死亡的发生渐渐减少地而长久地停留在光与生命中。Natural death becomes decreasingly frequent on these spheres long settled in light and life.

在传播过程中,奢侈品成为少地,直到最后就变成了豪华的必要性。In the course of the spread, the luxury becomes decreasingly luxurious until in the end it becomes a necessity.

此外,这些组件还由逐渐减小到类级粒度的更小组件组成。Furthermore, these components are composed of decreasingly smaller components down to a class-level of granularity.

那时起,中国经济增长就越来越依赖于净出口和政府主导的投资,家庭消费所占的权重越来越小。Growth from that point increasingly relied on net exports and state-led investment and decreasingly on household consumption.

随着机动车的发展,自行车在城市居民中的出行比例逐渐下降,但是仍占重要地位。Along with the rapid increase of motor vehicles, bicycle is used decreasingly when people go out, however it is an important means now.

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黑人的经济系统越来越公平,而打着种族口号向政府要支援的在减少。"Blacks view the economic system as becoming increasingly fair and are decreasingly supportive of government targeted aid based on race, " the authors write.

就感召力而言,影响程度从大到小依次是企业与政府的关系、企业与竞争对手的关系、企业与客户的关系、企业与供应商的关系。When it comes to the sympathy, the sequence decreasingly was the relationship between the government, competitor, client, supplier according to the degree of influence.

对于渗透坡面,仿真分析说明了降雨停止后,地下水的形状慢慢地滑落,地下水位减退。Simulation analyses for steep slope indicate the shape of subsurface flow slides downward decreasingly and the ground water level declines slowly after the stop of rainfall.

在英国这样宗教日益没落的社会,很难相信大多数不接受进化论的人是由于思想意识驱使而非无知。In a society as decreasingly religious as England, it is impossible to believe that most of the people who do not accept evolution are motivated by ideology rather than ignorance.

面对我国自然资源日益短缺和生态环境破坏的状况,报废产品的绿色回收与再利用符合循环经济发展的要求。Being confronted with the decreasingly nature resource and the entironment polluted, the green reclaiming and reuse of the discarded products accord with the circular economy development.

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下个月即将在哥本哈根举行的至关重要的气候变化会谈可能注定要失败,亚太地区的领导们承认,看起来对排放有正式约束力的协议不大可能达成。Crunch climate change talks may be doomed to failure in Copenhagen next month, with a legally binding deal on emissions now decreasingly likely, admitted leaders from across the Asia Pacific region.