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鼓膜中心则留下一变干的小孔。Tympanic center leaves the alveolus of one desiccate.

凡鼓室成形术,均应行鼓室探查。The tympanic exploration is necessary to be included in tympanoplasty.

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鼓膜在水平耳道的末端可见。The tympanic membrane is visible at the distal termination of the horizontal canal.

仔细检查“血疱”,发现其为一只卷缩肢体,吞食鼓膜的蜱。Microscope " hematic blister " , discover its are a crinkly limbs, devour tympanic tick.

方法在耳内镜下利用自体颞肌筋膜对26例患者行鼓膜修补术。In this study, 26 cases of tympanic membrane perforation were treated with myringoplasty.

口服,直肠及鼓膜温度计现在过时这一新红外线技术。Oral, Rectal and Tympanic Thermometers are now archaic with this NEW infrared technology.

这张血管网对于鼓膜损伤的修复至关重要。This network of blood vessels is important for repair of damage to the tympanic membrane.

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龟龟的耳鼓膜通常在下颚骨的后边。The ear scales, the tympanic membranes, are the two large 'scales' just behind the jaw-bone.

鼓膜是一层上皮。薄膜,它将外耳与中耳分开。The tympanic membrane is a thin epithelial membrane separating the external ear from the middle ear.

目的为鼓室神经切除术提供颈鼓神经的解剖学资料。Objective To provide anatomical data of cervical tympanic nerves for the resection of tympanic nerves.

合并小鼓室1例,耳咽管和鼓室窦畸形扩大1例。Small tympanic cavity and enlarged eustachian tube and tympanic sinus were found in 1 case respectively.

目的观察正常成年人在模拟电梯运行中听力和鼓室压力的改变。Objective To observe the changes of hearing level and tympanic pressure of healthy adult in moving elevator.

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在行镫骨手术或鼓室成形术时,很可能损伤这类异位的面神经。Be expert at when stapes operation or tympanic figuration art, injure this kind of other probably facial nerve.

大部分原因为急性中耳炎引起,通过抗生素、鼓膜切开等治疗,多数患者可以恢复。Major reason is acute tympanitis to cause, wait for cure through antibiotic, tympanic incision, most patient can restore.

目的探讨经咽鼓管鼓室注药治疗粘连性中耳炎的疗效。Objective To investigate the efficacy of tympanic administration through eustachian tube in treating middle ear adhesion.

目的探讨外伤性鼓膜穿孔准确的诊断方法和最佳的治疗方法。Objective To discuss the accurate diagnosis and the best restoration methods of the traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane.

目的探讨压力性鼓膜穿孔患者内耳是否受损伤及受损伤的程度。Objective To investigate the possibility of the inner ear damage resulting from the traumatic perforation of tympanic membranes.

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直肠温可反映鼓膜温的变化趋势,但它比鼓膜温要偏高。Rectal temperature can reflect the changing trends of tympanic temperature, but it is a little higher than tympanic temperature.

不过,还要数百万年后,镫骨才会在适合陆生的鼓膜耳朵中,担任我们所熟悉的任务。But the stapes would not take on its familiar role as a component of the terrestrially adapted tympanic ear for millions of years.

目的探讨用耳屏软骨环-软骨膜行鼓膜成形术的远期疗效。Objective To investigate curative effect of the tragus cartilage ring with perichondrium for repairing tympanic membrane perforation.