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也许一个连贯性的方案可能会帮助我们实现这一目标。A coherent plan could.

他甚至没问过我几个条理清楚的问题。He didn't even ask me coherent questions.

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项目一期工程年接气能力为350万吨。Project Phase coherent capacity of 350 tons.

这两段文章不太接气。These two paragraphs are not coherent enough.

他的翻译通顺易懂。His interpretation is coherent and intelligible.

我觉得这场演出从戏剧角度来说更流畅。I think this show is more coherent theatrically.

他们的各种观点已统一为一致的政策。Their views coalesced to form a coherent policy.

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但至少看起来,很明显有这种可能性。But at least it seems like a coherent possibility.

那家伙说话都不连贯。That guy can't string two coherent words together.

在包里面,Girard显示了他的智慧和坚持。The bag aside, Girard appears intelligent and coherent.

它用一致的方法来管理状态并将事件分组。It manages the state and groups events in a coherent way.

人们为了寻找一些,相关的意义而四处流浪。People wander in search of some kind of coherent meaning.

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这次攻击两小时之后,她才再一次变的讲话有条理。She only became coherent again two hours after the attack.

利用功率谱分析噪声信号的特性,利用相干性确定噪声源。By using coherent analysis, we can define the noise source.

相干光的强度迅速地增大。The intensity of the coherent light builds up very rapidly.

相参积累技术已在雷达中广泛应用。The coherent integration technique is widely used in radars.

制订周全谐协的人口政策。To establish a coherent and comprehensive population policy.

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它的摘要内容并不完美,但是都具备相当的连贯性。The digests aren't perfect but they are surpassingly coherent.

本文把相干态的概念推广到李超代数的情形。The concept of coherent states is extended o Lie superalgebras.

这样的记忆更容易获取,更连贯和易于联想。It would be more accessible, more coherent and more associative.