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周杰伦是一位有名的流行歌手。Jay Chou is known as a pop singer.

周进跟进去作揖。Chou Chin followed him in and bowed.

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那个人象极了周杰伦。That man is a dead ringer of Jay Chou.

对周杰伦来说,今年是里程碑式的一年。It's been a milestone year for Jay Chou.

周杰伦,你知道怎样玩篮球吗?Do you know how to play B-ball, Jay Chou?

周进特别对范进赞扬勉励了一番。Chou Chin gave special praise to Fan Chin.

周杰伦黄秋生两父子爱装酷!Jay Chou & Anthony Wong love to play cool!

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少年时代,周杰伦被人们认为智力迟钝、呆傻愚蠢。As a boy, Chou was called retarded. Stupid.

秋香被二当家抓住关在房里。Chou Heung two when caught off in the room.

恭敬不如从命,周进便去批作业。Then Chou Chin started to correct exercise.

我站在周恩来的不远处。I stood not far away from Premier Chou Enlai.

周杰伦全新专辑「跨时代」即将发行!Jay Chou new album "New Era" will be released!

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从此,周进便在庙内教那些孩子读书写字。Chou Chin began teaching the children in the temple.

现在想到周杰伦,我们仍会视他为“天王”。When we think of Jay Chou nowadays, we see a “king”.

我喜欢听流行音乐,周杰伦是我最喜欢的歌手。I like popular music. Jay Chou is my favorite singer.

秋香姐,幸会幸会,上次的事情我还没向你道谢呢。Miss Chou heung, I didn't have a chance to thank you.

让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎周杰伦。Let’s give a round of applause to well-known Jay Chou.

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过了一会儿,小周微笑着回到岗位上。Moments later, Ms. Chou was back serving with a smile.

然而这个小小的沟通失误让小周哭了。But the simple miscommunication left Ms. Chou in tears.

这时正好和尚进来,周进便将银子仍旧包了交与和尚收着再算。Chou Chin rewrapped the silver and gave it to the monk.