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老五下定了决心买房。Old Five irrevocably committed to purchase.

和崔雅在一起的经历对我的改变浓烈,深刻,不可磨灭。The events with Treya changed me deeply, profoundly, irrevocably.

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在治学中,我与郑板桥结下了不解之缘。I was irrevocably committed to Zheng Banqiao in academic pursuits.

不可阻挡的是,大芦村的辉煌大气早已不再。The past glory and magnificence of the village is irrevocably gone.

世界大战才把美国不可更改地拉上了世界舞台。It took a world warto draw America irrevocably onto the world stage.

第三,我毫无条件地,也无可救药地爱上了他。And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. ----from.

只有不可撤回的改变值才能观察到真正的量子位。Real quantum bits can't be observed without irrevocably altering their values.

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我们重又不可挽回地被投入最大的、无限的苦难之中,这究竟是怎样的光景呢?What of the supreme measureless ordeal in which WE WEre again irrevocably plunged?

但再明显不过的是,阿拉伯世界的情绪已无可挽回地改变。But what is crystal clear is that the mood in the Arab world has changed irrevocably.

自信用证开立之时起,开证行即不可撤销地受到兑付责任的约束。b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit.

当然在我第一次听说它的时候,我对于人性的看法被无法撤回地改变了。Certainly when I first came across it, my view of human nature was changed irrevocably.

本公司保留权利拒绝允许转让银行将修改通知书通知第二受益人。We irrevocably retain the right to refuse to allow you to advise amendments to the transferee.

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这一切都是地主豪绅统治的必然产物。All of these conditions are irrevocably bound up with the rule of the landlords and the gentry.

Hautamäki先生所总结的第一个要点便是获取广泛共识,慎重决定但是坚定不移的前进。The first point Mr Hautamäki highlights is broad consensus, cautiously but irrevocably reached.

然后,1989年秋季的事件发生了,我从小长大的世界发生了彻底的变化,再也没有回头的可能。Then the autumn of 1989 happened and the world I had grown up in changed utterly and irrevocably.

本协议双方不可撤销地同意受制于香港法院的非专属管辖。The Parties hereto irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the HKSAR.

如果你丢了其中一个,它们将会无可挽回地受损、有裂痕、有缺口、受损伤或者甚至破碎。Ifyou drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered.

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洪水已经彻底毁坏了备用发电系统的油罐和其他核心组件。The flooding is believed to have irrevocably damaged the oil tank and other key parts of the system.

一旦你失手落下,它们可能会少了一角,留下无法挽回的记号、刻痕、损坏甚至碎落一地。If you drop one ofthese, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered.

虽然巴尔克被证明幸存,但随着克隆人战争的爆发,他的精神被无可挽回地破坏了。Though Bulq proved to be alive, his spirit was irrevocably damaged by the outbreak of the Clone Wars.