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南科尔多凡省拥有苏丹北部大部分石油储备。South Kordofan holds most of northern Sudan's oil reserves.

联邦卫生部向世卫组织报告了南科尔多凡州的黄热病暴发。The Federal Ministry of Health reported to WHO an outbreak of yellow fever in the South Kordofan State.

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莱曼还表示,在南科尔多凡州持续不断的冲突对双方都提出了“非常根本的问题”。Lyman also said the lingering conflict in Southern Kordofan raises “very fundamental issues” for both sides.

苏丹人民解放运动希望联合国在蓝尼罗河,南科尔多凡和达尔富尔地区设立一个禁飞区。SPLM-North wants the UN Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan and Darfur.

他还呼吁双方履行6月20日达成的关于阿卜耶伊的协议,并敦促在南科尔多凡州停火。He also called for both sides to implement their June 20 agreement on Abyei and urged a cease-fire in Southern Kordofan.

在科尔多凡和达尔富尔进行的战事,可以部分的理解为穆斯林反对阿拉伯统治的结果,乌萨马赫·阿里说。The ongoing battles in Kordofan and Darfur were, in part, a result of Muslims rejecting Arab dominance, says Usamah Ali.

联合国报道称,由于战争在整个南科尔多凡省蔓延,还可以听到密集的炮火的声音。The United Nations reports that heavy artillery can also be heard with fighting spreading across Southern Kordofan state.

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在政府军和叛军之间的战斗发生在苏丹的两个州——蓝色尼罗河州和南科尔多凡州。The fighting between government forces and rebels is taking place in two Sudanese states – Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan.

旨在结束北苏丹南科尔多凡省和蓝尼罗河的冲突的和平协议框架终于达成。A framework peace accord has been reached to end the conflict in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions of northern Sudan.

怨恨政权的苏丹周边其他国家也溃烂,尤其是科尔多凡和青尼罗边缘化。Resentment of the regime's marginalization of Sudan's peripheries also festers in other states, notably Kordofan and Blue Nile.

绑架发生在科尔多凡地区,邻国达尔富尔以东,是震中位于苏丹的石油工业。The kidnapping occurred in the Kordofan region, which neighbors Darfur to the east and is the epicenter of Sudan's oil industry.

人道主义消息来源告诉BBC,南科尔多凡省上空一架安东诺夫飞机向Kurchi村投下了五枚炸弹。Humanitarian sources told the BBC that five bombs were dropped from an Antonov aircraft on the village of Kurchi in South Kordofan.

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正义与平等运动,最大的达尔富尔叛乱集团,已经在南科尔多凡的努巴山区的苏丹人民解放运动并肩作战。Already the Justice and Equality Movement, the biggest Darfur rebel group, has fought alongside the SPLM in the Nuba mountains in South Kordofan.

即使如此,近年石油储量丰富的科尔多凡地区紧张气氛仍会继续上升,特别是明年国家选举之前。Even so, there has been growing tension in the oil rich region of Kordofan in recent years, particularly ahead of next year's national elections.

这次非洲联盟保护下的会晤将集中在有争议的阿卜耶伊和石油资源丰富的北方省份南科尔多凡省。The meeting under the auspices of the African Union will focus on the disputed region of Abyei and the oil-rich northern state of South Kordofan.

苏丹总统巴希尔全国大会党的一名发言人坚决否认北方军队在南科尔多凡省破坏停火协议。A spokesman for President Omar al-Bashir's National Congress Party has categorically denied the Sudanese armed forces are breaking their own ceasefire in Southern Kordofan.

国际人权组织称,苏丹继续在南科尔多凡省空中轰炸平民,苏丹当局对此予以否认。The authorities in Sudan have denied allegations by international human rights groups that they are continuing aerial bombardments of civilians in the province of South Kordofan.

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甘巴里表示,不能单独来看达尔富尔地区面临的挑战,而抛开苏丹其他地区、包括南库尔多番和青尼罗州等地区存在的问题,苏丹政府军正在这些地区跟反叛力量作战。Gambari said Darfur could not be isolated from troubling developments in other parts of Sudan, including Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, where Sudanese government forces are battling rebels.

上周二联合国描述了它所谓的“巨大痛苦”中,从空袭南科尔多凡在与苏丹南部边界由喀土穆北部的部队指挥,平民。The United Nations on Tuesday described what it called "huge suffering" among civilians from air strikes in Southern Kordofan on the border with South Sudan, by northern forces directed from Khartoum.