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转移或者回避敏感话题。Deflect or evade the sensitive ones.

病原体也进化来逃避“躲避”。Pathogens evolve to evade the evasions.

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你不想让我们逃避我们的义务。You wouldn't want us to evade our duty.

他们用移居国外的方法逃避纳税。They evade paying taxes by living abroad.

他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。He tried to evade the embarrassing question.

这是纳吉不能逃避的挑战。This is a challenge that Najib cannot evade.

不要逃避问题或是歪曲事实。Don't evade issues or twist the truth around.

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夜间旅行、避开皇家警察、吃得好。Travel by Night. Evade the Mounties. Eat Well.

偷税漏税者将受到法律制裁。Those who evade tax will be punished by the law.

尽管他是个傻子,却成功摆脱了追兵。Fool that he was, he managed to evade his pursuers.

对于高房价,惹不起你,躲开你行不?The high prices, everything you do not evade you OK?

事实上,许多人假装热爱生命,进而逃避爱之本身。Many, in fact, feign love of life to evade love itself.

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闪避表示角色躲避物理攻击的几率。Evade indicates how well you can evade physical attacks.

我们可以躲开一头大象,却躲不开一只蚊子的叮咬。We can evade an elephant, but Duo Bukai a mosquito bite.

罗伯特·虎克的说过“我要逃避上帝,如同逃避瘟疫一样。I must evade God, is similar to escape plague is the same.

垃圾邮件制作者们同样需要很多地址来躲避过滤器。Spammers also need lots of addresses to evade the filters.

罪犯遮盖他们的「脸」令被害者心生恐惧,并益于逃避追缉。Criminals cover their faces to instill fear and evade capture.

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规避或躲避采取正面或直接的行动或回应等。Shadowbox to evade or avoid positive, direct or decisive action.

盲目崇拜西医或者避之莫远皆不可取。To worship or evade the western medicine blindly is undesirable.

以永恒为目标还是一个避免被流行局限的方法。Aiming at timelessness is also a way to evade the grip of fashion.