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敌军被我们围困在碉堡中。The enemy besieged in the blockhouse.

她的左面有一个钢筋水泥的碉堡。To her left was a concrete blockhouse.

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敌人被我们围困在碉堡中。The enemy was besieged in the blockhouse.

敌军被我们围困在碉堡中。The enemy were besieged in the blockhouse.

他们把大炮瞄准敌人的碉堡。They ranged their guns on the enemy blockhouse.

沉重的脚步在掩体台上走动。Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse.

我们成功地越过了敌人的碉堡。We succeeded in slipping through the enemy's blockhouse.

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我军利用火箭弹炸毁了敌军的碉堡。Our army destroyed the enemy's blockhouse with a rocket bomb.

右手边这个碉堡样的建筑据说原来是关女囚的。The tall blockhouse on the right used to be a jail for women.

他正在指挥我们造木屋的工作。He is superintending the work on the blockhouse we are building.

它是当地人想象和创造世界的方式。The blockhouse is a means of the local people to imagine the world.

好了,关于自己对碉楼的情愫,今天就到此为止了。Well, I think that's it today for my feelings on our hometown's blockhouse.

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敌军士兵放下武器从碉堡中走了出来。The enemy soldiers surrendered their arms, and came out from the blockhouse.

1833年,哈得逊的海湾公司在这里建起一座碉堡。The Hudson 's Bay Company erected a blockhouse here in1833. Population, 47, 069.

我们能用眼睛看到的精髓之一就是碉楼的建筑风格。There is one thing we can see with our eye, the architecture style of the blockhouse.

小体量碉房建筑也在客观上产生了较好的抗震作用。The small-sized blockhouse architectures show good earthquake-proofing capacity as well.

在白色混凝土碉堡顶部,一个士兵正站在上面用双筒望远镜监视着我们。On top of a white concrete blockhouse a soldier is standing looking back at us through binoculars.

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大闹平安城、炸炮楼等都做成了游戏副本,加入到游戏中。Be troubled by blockhouse of restful city, blast to wait greatly make it game carbon, in joining game.

连长在冲锋枪的掩护下冲到了敌人的碉堡下面。Under submachinegun cover, the company commander rushed forward to the foot of the enemy's blockhouse.

碉楼是中国古代建筑中的军事设施,具有特殊的历史文化内涵。Blockhouse is the ancient military establishment in China, and has special historical and cultural meanings.