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这就是晦涩的地方。Here's what's elusive.

一个难以捉摸的人。祝你好运!The elusive "one". Good luck!

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人类丹青妙笔难以企及。Human indeed clever pen elusive.

去摘那明亮的、难以捉摸的星星。To catch that bright elusive star.

客观的值得更难捉摸些。Objective worthiness is more elusive.

社会领域是最不可捉摸的。Society is the most elusive of the area.

例如,如何杀死行踪迷离的鹿?For example, how to kill that elusive deer?

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游荡者是狡猾又难以捉摸的对手。Rogues are cunning and elusive adversaries.

大批量生产已证明很难。Mass production, however, has proved elusive.

天珠确切的起源和年代仍然是个谜。The exact origins and dates of dzi remain elusive.

其实,激情并不像我们想象的那样难以捉摸。It turns out passion is not as elusive as we think.

没有时间狩猎这些令人烦扰、难于捉摸的仙女、精灵吗?No time to hunt for those annoyingly elusive Pixies?

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有时候他好像喃喃自语,内容空洞而不著边际。Sometime what he mutters sounds nothing and elusive.

来信中对这颗植物的描述是“一株行踪不定的植物”。Letter to this plant described as "an elusive plant."

我知道,有些人对安慰的理解是混淆不清的。I know that, for some people, comfort is very elusive.

特里很努力地来实现这个不使用石油的梦。Terry works hard at her elusive dream of oil-lessness.

一丝绿里带黄的光芒乍闪即逝,接着又一丝。An elusive greenish-yellow gleam flashes, then another.

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因此怪不得高质量的睡眠有时候很难以理解的。It's no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes elusive.

罗明脸上始终挂着和令人捉摸不定的微笑缓缓地说着。Luo Ming face always hung and elusive smile gently saying.

直接证明粘结的机理是十分困难的。Direct proof of the mechanism of adhesion is quite elusive.