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一个主要的受益者是黄金。One major beneficiary will be gold.

她说,“所以我是早期检测的直接受益人。So I am a direct beneficiary of early detection.

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受让人称为第二受益人。The transferee is called the second beneficiary.

他的妻子康斯坦斯被指定为其受益人。His wife Constance was designated as his beneficiary.

受托人对受益人负有信托义务。To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty.

您的银行帐户号码以及帐户指定人。Your account number and name of would be beneficiary.

如无需要,不应委任成立人为受益人。Settlor shall not be named as beneficiary if unnecessary.

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化工企业是这种发展中的受益者。The chemical enterprise is a beneficiary of that largesse.

同程旅游同样是此次并购的受益方。The same way travel is also the beneficiary of the merger.

此后不久我又进一步获得启迪。A bit later I was the beneficiary of further enlightenment.

请通知受益人并且增加你方银行的保兑。Please notify Beneficiary and add your Bank's confirmation.

这项修改最大的受益者可能就是普京自己了。The main beneficiary of this is likely to be Putin himself.

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波兰还是欧盟资金最大的受惠国。It has also been the single largest beneficiary of EU funds.

至于申徒嘉,他可以说是这个矛盾中唯一的享受者、获利者。Shentu Jia was the only beneficiary and enjoyer in this case.

蒙害己意指信誉证外受害的一圆。Beneficiary means the party in whose favour a credit is issued.

转帐请自行通知收款人,本行恕不另行通知。Please advise the beneficiary of since the Bank will not do so.

同样信汇也是由代理行去通知收款。It is still the correspondent bank that advises the beneficiary.

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人民群众是历史的创造者和受益人。The people concourse is the contriver of history and beneficiary.

凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人无追索权。Availble against beneficiary 's draft, without recourse to drawers.

我买了份人身保险,我的妻子是受益人。AI took out a life insurance policy and made my wife the beneficiary.