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肉豆蔻、肉豆蔻衣及豆蔻。Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms.

但梅斯稍后便知其决定是错的。Mace Windu would later lament the poor decision.

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这是锏和铁棒的本质区别。This is the essential difference between mace and pontil.

天行者的剑刃干净利落地斩断了梅斯·温杜的手臂。Skywalker's blade neatly cleaved through Mace Windu's arm.

凭借着超凡的勇气,伊渥克人和梅斯杀死了哥拉克斯人。With their courage, the Ewoks and Mace destroyed the Gorax.

她却卸下她的小锤子,继续用欲望的眼神看着马库斯。Keeping the same lustful look, she unhooking her small mace.

去年生的草丛,Straditsa河流沿岸的芦苇。Bushes of last year reed mace alongshore the Straditsa river.

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土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment.

又是一个大铁锭!!!呜呼!!!难道天下真的没有比较正规的锏了吗???Another big cast iron ingot ! ! ! Is there any regular mace???

左少卿和梅斯的关系让他深感忧虑。ZuoShaoQing relationship with mace is deeply concerned about him.

鱼刺和梅斯会略,梅斯希望和左少合作。Barb and mace are slightly, mace hopes and left little cooperation.

该机构的其他科学专家将协助梅斯博士的工作。Dr. mace would be assisted by scientific specialists in the agency.

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池塘边有一些野生的香蒲已经长出了蒲棒。Some wild cattails besides the pool have already sprouted reed mace.

为了挑拨绝地,她声称效忠于梅斯·温杜。Sewing distrust among the Jedi, she claimed allegiance to Mace Windu.

梅斯·温杜和巴尔克展开决斗,但他们的个人摊牌没有持续多久。Mace Windu and Bulq battled, but their personal showdown was cut short.

梅斯依然还记得那些被困者和受伤者的令人同情的哀号。Mace still remembers the pitiful wailing of the trapped and the wounded.

VDS是住院期间心脏不良事件发生的独立相关因素。VDS was an independent correlation factor of MACE during hospitalization.

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温杜试图逮捕帕尔帕廷,不料后者飞身而起,先发制人。Mace attempted to arrest the Chancellor, but Palpatine sprang into action.

在他的时代,魅使是绝地信条内最杰出的光剑格斗者。In his day, Mace was one of the best lightsaber fighters of the Jedi order.

梅斯·温杜一死,阿纳金就投向了黑暗之路。With the death of Mace Windu, Anakin had committed himself to the dark path.