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我们在炎热的夏日有时感到倦怠。Sometimes we feel lassitude onahot summer day.

她由于身体疲乏,勇气降到零点。Her courage was lowered to zero by her physical lassitude.

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贫血症状包括全身疲劳和困乏。Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.

曲唑酮主要的不良反应是困倦和头晕。The major adverse reactions of trazodone were lassitude and dizziness.

职业倦怠已成为工作压力研究领域的一个热点问题。Ocupation lassitude has already been a hot spot in the research of working pressure.

而肌肉的疲倦产物——乳酸则由血液物质循环代谢掉了。Meanwhile, lactic acid—a kind of intramuscular outcome of lassitude will be metabolized in blood circulation.

“我只是在等我的退休金,”他带着人们在广东难得一见的懒散和满足解释说。I'm just waiting for my retirement pension, " he explained, with a lassitude and complacency that one rarely sees in Guangdong."

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他们试图通过有规律的每小时休息和不期而至的午餐来防止疲乏。They managed to keep their lassitude at bay with regular coffee breaks every hour and when lunch arrived unexpectedly just after midday.

最近,卢瓦梭在果米耀上降了两分,并且受到媒体的批评,他的亲属们说他“全身心的疲劳、倦怠、脆弱”。Loiseau had recently lost two points in GaultMillau and been criticized in the media. His relatives mention "a general fatigue, lassitude and fragility".

最后的一把劲使他精疲力尽,现在他每走两三步就要靠在墙上喘口气。That supreme effort had exhausted him. His lassitude was now such that he was obliged to pause for breath every three or four steps, and lean against the wall.

每一次转身、每一个拐角、每打开一个橱柜,往事都会使我沉沦,使我无力,只能漫无目的地从一间房走进另一间房。Paralyzed by the neurotic lassitude engendered by meeting one's past at every turn, around every corner, inside every cupboard, I go aimlessly from room to room.

现在南欧成了毫无活力的地区,该地区从葡萄牙和西班牙延伸至法国南部、意大利、前南斯拉夫、希腊和保加利亚。Southern Europe now constitutes a zone of lassitude that extends from Portugal and Spain through the south of France, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, and Bulgaria.

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文章对国内外医生工作倦怠研究现状进行了综述。指出了以往研究的不足,并从研究方法、判定标准、干预等方面对今后医生工作倦怠研究进行了展望。The review described the situation on work lassitude of doctors, and pointed out the defects of previous studies and made suggestions on research method, assessment standard and intervention.

文章介绍了学习倦怠的定义,分析了大学生学习倦怠的现状及产生的原因,提出了缓解大学生学习倦怠的对策。This paper introduces the definition and the present situation of college students' academic lassitude, as well as the reason and the solution to relieving college students' academic lassitude.