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处于性器官期。You're in the phallic stage.

你就在生殖器阶段。You're in the phallic stage.

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印度教中湿婆的生殖器的象征。The hindu phallic symbol of siva.

下一个阶段是性器官期。The next stage is the phallic stage.

赋予树木新含义。it looks like a cock, phallic photos, funny book Kinda gives new meaning to the word "wood."

如果你对阳物崇拜感兴趣,那么西方大学或许是一个学习的好地方。If you've got a penchant for all things phallic then Occidental College is the place to study.

玉环,如同玉壁,其形似女性生殖器,为女性之象征,属生殖图腾崇拜器。Jade ring is in the shape of female genitalia, representing the female. It is a phallic totem.

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其男人一样的力量的部分总是制造即将爆发的混乱,除非我们屈服。Part of her phallic potency was always to conjure the chaos about to break out unless we buckled under.

关于它显眼的性别问题,艾丽卡认为铁塔是巴黎这一爱的城市的伟大的夫人。Its obvious phallic nature notwithstanding, Erika believes the tower is the Grand Madame of Paris, the city of love.

特雷斯还在他摄影室附近一些被忽略的码头和桥墩等地,表现他对生殖器的崇拜。Arthur Tress photographed his phallic fantasies on the infamous neglected piers in the vicinity of his New York studio.

他因对性器表征的解释而为人熟知,他认为某些建筑纪念碑,是潜意识中阴茎表征的展现。he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations.

考古学家已经在世界范围内,发掘出数以千计来自远古文明时期生殖崇拜的雕像和法宝,这些雕像和法宝是为了庆祝富饶和成年。Archeologists have unearthed thousands of phallic statues and talismans created by early civilizations throughout the world, celebrating fertility and manhood.

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小型的圆锥物似乎是生殖崇拜的标记,尽管它们是成片地在大门上使用,却在后期的印度教也与湿婆相关联。Small conical objects appear to be phallic emblems that are also connected with Siva in later Hinduism, although they may have been pieces used in board games.

比如,他非常著名是因为他对性象征的说明,讨论了特殊的建筑古迹被潜意识的发展为性的表征。For instance, he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations.

1964年,莫斯科地铁站外的广场上竖起了征服宇宙纪念碑,明显显露了苏联想要一展雄风的意图,而莫斯科的出租车司机们则戏称它为‘无力的梦想’。Erected in 1964 right next to the VDNKh grounds, the Monument to the Conquerors of Space was so openly phallic that Moscow cabbies took to calling it the 'Impotent's Dream.'

冰岛Phallological博物馆可能是世界上唯一的博物馆,包含阳物标本收集所有属于不同类型的在一个国家发现的哺乳动物。The Icelandic Phallological Museum is probably the only museum in the world to contain a collection of phallic specimens belonging to all the various types of mammal found in a single country.

男性通过钻石戒指和汽车来展示他们可以提供食物的能力,而女性底气十足地从她们的爱人那里要求食物,丝毫不觉羞耻。Homo sapiens males offer diamond rings and drive phallic cars to advertise their ability to provide, and Homo sapiens females in modern foraging societies unashamedly demand meat from their lovers.