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疥疮是由阴虱引起的。Scabies is caused by pubic lice.

阴虱仅寄生于阴毛。Pubic lice infest only pubic hair.

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他的衣服上爬满了虱子。His clothes were crawling with lice.

他们浑身是血混合着虱子。They were commingling lice and blood.

这些白吃白喝的傢伙包括细菌、病毒甚至蝨子。Freeloaders include bacteria, viruses and even lice.

斯科特在收容所被抢过一次,还两次被除虱。Scott was robbed once and picked up lice the second time.

实际上,“螃蟹”在这句话里指的是“阴虱”。"Crabs" in the context of this statement refers to "crab lice.

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这种新的方法要借助对虱子系统树的重建。The new approach rests on reconstructing the family tree of lice.

如果居主进化为两个不同的种类,虱子也会如此进化。If their host evolves into two species, the lice will do likewise.

阴虱是一种以血为食的非常微小的昆虫。Pubic lice or crab lice are very small insects that feed on blood.

在世界第一件衣服出现后虱子也就和我们形影不离了。So lice have been with us since the world's first clothes were made.

在你把夫儿们的衬衣上的虱子一颗颗的掐死之后。After you wiped out the lice from of your husband's and sons' shirts.

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马拉硫磷是一种杀虫剂,以及工程对头虱。Malathion is a type of insecticide that works well against head lice.

阴虱很讨厌,但一旦确诊,很容易治疗。Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant but, once diagnosed, easily treated.

这些尼特是其中最大的问题,头虱感染。These nits are one of the biggest problems with head lice infestations.

为了相处融洽,不要强人所难,要求别人办些超出能力范围之外的事。To lice happily with other people, ask of them only what they can give.

用“全捕法”采集其体表全部吸虱。All the lice on the body surface of the hosts were completely collected.

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他说一声,苍蝇就成群而来,并有虱子进入他们四境。He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts.

防虱、防水、防霉、弥久常新,不需要维护保养。It is lice proof, water proof, mould proof, long lasting, and maintenance free.

吸虱与小兽宿主协同进化程度较高。The results reveal a high coevolution between sucking lice and the mammal hosts.