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他已走上成功的大路。He is on the highroad to success.

失败是通往成功的唯一之路。Failure is the only highroad to success.

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沿南大路的规划没有看到过。The program of the highroad austral the edge had not seen.

在高速公路上抢道,是非常危险的行为。It is very dangerous to cut in while driving on the highroad.

研制了一种新型的光纤光栅公路轮轴识别系统。Developed a novel highroad axle identification system based on FBG sensing.

通往威敦?普利奥斯村镇去的大道,又铺上了一层尘埃。The highroad into the village of Weydon Priors was again carpeted with dust.

一条贯穿古镇的大路也因此被人们奉为神路。Perforative the highroad of ancient town also accordingly by people deify road.

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第二章,阐述了公路工程的造价管理理论。Chapter two expounding the theory of administration of highroad engineering cost.

最后将模型应用于公路客运人数的估计。Finally, our results are used to estimate the number of passengers in highroad transportation.

在通往体育馆的公路上立着一个长长的“安全施工”的标志。On the highroad stretching to the gymnasium stands a long sign that reads "CONSTRUCTION SAFETY".

盛世编史,伴随着我国改革开放,中国大地上掀起了规模空前的公路交通史的编纂。With the reform and opening-up, there is a large scale of compiling of highroad traffic in China.

此评价结果可供今后该段公路沿线地质灾害防治参考。The evaluate results can supply reference in the work of geological hazards prevention along this highroad.

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他走下公路,转入一条绿草如茵的小路。一个钟头后,他见到一个孩子,头和手臂都扎进一丛树篱中。Turning off the highroad up a green lane, an hour later, he beheld a youngster prying into a hedge head and arms.

成千上万的家庭踏上了通向希望之乡——加利福尼亚的大路。The family by the thousands and tens of thousands has stepped on countryside California highroad of leading to hope.

此系统不仅适用于高速公路应急电话系统,也可用于各种远距离测量或监控系统。The system not only can be used in highroad emergency system , also can be used in tele-measure and tele-control system.

本装置主要对汽车在营运状态下公路路面所要求的物理量进行监测。The device concerned in this paper mainly monitors the physical quantities that highroad pavement requires under the automobiles transporting status.

在地图符号中公路类符号的绘制具有其特殊性,必须进行特殊处理才能正确显示。In the map symbolization processing the displaying of the highroad has its particularity. Only through especial managing can it be displayed correctly.

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除此之外,体育场馆、商务办公楼宇、休闲购物中心汇聚于此,将成为巴基斯坦最为瞩目的金融大道。Besides, stadium, commercial office buildings and leisure shopping centers meet here, and it will surely become the most brilliant financial highroad in Pakistan.

我国是一个拥有众多人口、幅员辽阔的发展中国家,公路、公交客运占有重要位置。As a developing country with a large amount of population and a vast territory, the highroad and the public passenger transport play an important role in our country.

由于古道地质条件复杂,众多的高山垭口、激流、冰川使得修通贯穿古道的公路成为一代人的梦想。The geology nearby Old Rideis very complex, there are so many high mountains passes, riptides , glaciers, it was the dream of one generation to build the highroad which goes through the Old Road.