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我当然同意。I do agree.

愚以为不然。I do not agree.

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我完全同意。I agree totally.

我必须同意这个观点。I have to agree.

我同意她的看法。I agree with her.

我同意你的意见。I agree with you.

而有神论者同意。And theists agree.

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我同意——基本上。I agree -- mostly.

我同意秦晖教授的观点。I agree with Prof.

我也赞同这一论点。I agree with this.

不不不,我同意。No, no,no. I agree.

是的,我完全赞同。Yes, I fully agree.

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老头子不同意。A Pho did not agree.

你同意我的看法么?Do you agree wih me?

他们不会同意。They will not agree.

子书却不同意。ZiShu did not agree.

但我同意你所说的。But I agree with you.

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我们都能赞同这点吗?Can we agree on that?

我不同意某人的看法。I don't agree with sb.

我希望您能够同意。I hope you will agree.