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均衡观念是公理系统的产物。Equilibrium is the product of an axiomatic system.

均衡概念是一个公理系统的产物。Equilibrium is the product of an axiomatic system.

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同时给出了公理设计理论的两个基本公理。The paper gave two basic principle of axiomatic design theory.

我的钱总不够工作所需,这是可以理解的。I’m always working with less money than I need. It’s axiomatic.

提出了集成公理化设计理论与TRIZ解决设计问题的一种方法。Therefore, a method integrating axiomatic design and TRIZ is proposed.

这曾经是不言自明的,没人会为混合的信息买账。It used to be axiomatic in advertising that no one paid for mixed messages.

当你的顾客有麻烦了,你也脱不了身。IT IS usually axiomatic that when your customers are in trouble, you are too.

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全球化将使政治边缘化在过去曾被当作不言自明的真理。It was once regarded as axiomatic that globalisation would marginalise politics.

公理化设计理论与TRIZ在产品设计开发中都有其优势及局限性。Both axiomatic design and TRIZ have their advantages and disadvantages in product design.

本文还通过对可设计假定的分析,指出了公理化热力学应有的特点。From an analysis to a hypothesis, the features of axiomatic thermodynamics are discussed.

事物的所有表示和模型的逻辑的,系统的,正式的,和公理性的开发。The systematic, formal, axiomatic development of the logic of all forms and models of being.

一个放诸四海皆准的事实-必须先做成朋友,对方才会听你的忠告。It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you caneffectively make him a proposition.

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一个放诸四海皆准的事实是必须先做成朋友,对方才会听你的忠告。It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you can effectively make him a proposition.

一个放诸四海而皆准的准则-必须先做成朋友,对方才会听你的忠告。It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you can effecitively make him a proposition.

该文将对这一逻辑建立系统,并证明其元逻辑性质。The paper will give an axiomatic system for this logic and strictly prove its metalogical properties.

这个关于“合理性”的独到见解认为利己主义是人类选择和行动的基本原则。This particular notion of "rationality" takes self-interests as axiomatic for human choice and action.

给出了基于公理设计理论的轿车门窗密封条端头冲切工位的设计。It proposed the development of punching unit for automobile profile with the help of the axiomatic design.

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自主学习公理体系研究是自主学习理论及应用研究的基础。Axiomatic system of autonomic learning is the foundation of the theory and application of autonomic learning.

因此,在每个语句,表达式的公理中的条件部分和结论部分都含有REASON。So, in every statement, the condition or conclusion of the axiomatic semantics of expression has the "REASON".

最后通过一个实例来展示投影时序逻辑及公理系统在系统验证中的应用。Finally, an example is given to illustrate how to do system verification based on FPTL and its axiomatic system.