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TWAS奖还帮助科学家构建网络。TWAS awards and fellowships also help scientists to network.

特瓦圣诞前的一天晚上,整橦房子充满了节日气氛。Twas the night before Christmas, When all through the house.

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TWAS还必须继续帮助中青年科学家。TWAS must also continue to help young and mid-career scientists.

如斯恩典,令心敬畏,解脱万千忧惧。Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved.

入选TWAS就证明了一位科学家对他或她的领域的贡献。Election to TWAS confirms a scientist's contributions to his or her field.

第三世界科学院通过一些项目来支持南部的科研。TWAS supports scientific research in the South through several programmes.

但是尽管TWAS在过去的25年里实现了许多成就,尚待解决的问题更多。But while TWAS has achieved much over the past 25 years, much more remains to be done.

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TWAS在基础科学领域的奖项表彰发展中国家顶级科学家的事业。TWAS prizes in basic sciences celebrate the careers of top scientists in the developing world.

TWAS已帮助这些国家打破了欧洲和美国从来没有填补的空白。TWAS has helped these countries step into a breach never filled by Europe or the United States.

因此,TWAS已为女科学家和40岁以下的青年科学家而设立了许多的奖项。So TWAS has established a number of prizes, for women scientists and for young scientists under 40.

或许最重要的是,TWAS成为了南南合作与支持科学方面的一座桥梁。Most importantly, perhaps, TWAS serves as a bridge for South-South cooperation and support in science.

如果TWAS能够维持并增加奖学金份数,它就有可能帮助训练成千上万的青年科学家。If TWAS can sustain and expand the number of fellowships, it could help train thousands of young scientists.

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很清楚的是,仅靠TWAS本身是不能够让世界的政治家们信服科学对发展的重要性。It is clear that TWAS alone cannot convince the world's politicians that science is important for development.

通过其研究资助项目,TWAS还帮助了成千上万处于事业关键点上的科学家。Through its research grants programme, TWAS has also helped thousands of scientists at critical junctures in their careers.

Hassan在最近的一次访谈中告诉本网站说,他希望TWAS将继续从得里亚斯特走向各个地区,并成为发展中国家科学问题的一个主要参与者。that he hopes TWAS will continue to devolve from Trieste into the regions and become a major player in developing world science issues.

过去25年里很多TWAS获奖者正活跃在国家性和区域性的科学院中,甚至是在重要的国际科学机构,这至关重要。Perhaps crucially, many TWAS awardees over the past 25 years are active in national and regional science academies, and even in major international science bodies.

Hassan在最近的一次访谈中告诉本网站说,他希望TWAS将继续从得里亚斯特走向各个地区,并成为发展中国家科学问题的一个主要参与者。Hassan told SciDev.Net in a recent interview that he hopes TWAS will continue to devolve from Trieste into the regions and become a major player in developing world science issues.

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克莱门特克拉克摩尔的令人回味的1822诗“图瓦族的前一天晚上圣诞”有助于确定圣诞老人的故事,本身也已成为许多房屋在圣诞节传统的一部分。" Clement Clarke Moore's evocative 1822 poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" helped to define the story of Santa Claus and has itself has become part of the Christmas tradition in many houses.

Lupercio教授说,这样能帮助纠正一些问题,然而TWAS所做出的努力是“微观的”,这是由于这些问题在许多拉美国家和其他的穷国中是非常根深蒂固的。that can help correct some of the problems, but the effect of what TWAS is doing is "micoscopic", because the problems are so very deeply ingrained in many Latin American and other poor countries.