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参见麻瓜百科全书关于温伯恩明斯特的词条。See also the Muggle Encyclopedia entry for Wimborne Minster.

这项计划最先由英国副首相尼克•克莱格于今年1月提出。The plan was first championed by British Deputy Prime Minster Nick Clegg in January.

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第三,请介绍李肇星外长访欧的情况。Thirdly, can you bring us up to date on Foreign Minster Li Zhaoxing's visit to Europe?

关于解禁的问题,李肇星外长重申了中方的一贯立场和看法。With respect to the arms embargo, Foreign Minster Li reiterated China's consistent position.

位于英国乡村地区多塞特郡的温伯恩明斯特小集镇被称为是最健康的居住地。The small market town of Wimborne Minster in rural Dorset was named the healthiest place to live.

后丰断桥事件,交通部长毛治国请辞获刘揆慰留,您认为他该下台负责吗?MOTAC Minster Mao Chih-guo resigned over Hou-feng bridge collapse. Do you think he should step down?

他在格拉鲁斯,艾因西德伦当牧师,最后在瑞士苏黎世的格罗斯大教堂担任牧师。He became a priest at Glarus, Einsiedeln, and finally the Great Minster Church at Zurich, Switzerland.

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几百年来,威斯敏斯特修道院一直是举办皇家加冕仪式和葬礼的所在。Paul's Cathedral, the "east minster. " For centuries, Westminster Abbey has hosted royal coronations and burials.

2005年8月21日,塞尔维亚和黑山总统马罗维奇在米洛切尔会见了来访的中国外交部长李肇星。President Svetozar Marovic of Serbia and Montenegro met with visiting Chinese Foreign Minster Li Zhaoxing in Milocer.

黎巴嫩总理西尼乌拉挑战叙利亚建立外交关系,划定两国边界。Lebanon's Prime Minster Fuad Siniora has challenged Syria to establish diplomatic relation and demarcate their border.

任何人寄望竹下登首相辞职以后政治上会有全盘改革,一定会感到失望。Anyone expecting sweeping political reforms to follow Prime Minster Noboru Takeshita's resignation is in for disappointment.

答应外交部长杨洁篪的邀请,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿于2月20日至22日访华。At the invitation of Foreign Minster Yang Jiechi, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited China from February 20 to 22.

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这样,人民党不仅赢得了首相一职,还可以凭借强有力的授权,在议会通过该党试图获取的任何法案。That gives it not only the prime minster position, but also a strong mandate to pass whatever legislation it basically wants.

卫生部部长张文康会见了世界卫生组织驻华代表,介绍了广东省部分地区非典型肺炎的有关情况。Minster Zhang Wenkang met with representative of the WHO to China and introduced information concerning pneumonia in Guangdong.

同时,英国首相布莱尔在北京参加年度的欧盟-中国高峰会议,讨论贸易和投资问题。Meantime, British Prime Minster Tony Blair attended the annual EU -China summit in Beijing where he discussed trade and investment.

日本首相菅直人领导的民主党的力量因丑闻事件遭到了削弱,但他一直以来都在不遗余力地缩减开支,以避免日本陷入财政深渊。Prime Minster Naoto Kan -- his party weakened by scandal -- had been pushing for cuts in spending in order to try to avoid the fiscal abyss.

2005年1月25日下午,国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂会见了毛里求斯总理贝朗热。On the afternoon of January 25 2005, President Hu Jintao met with Mauritian Prime Minster Paul Raymond Berenger at the Great Hall of the People.

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张伯伦在危殆关头不能指导国度,因而他的首相温斯顿。邱吉尔于1940年接替首相职位。Chamberlain was not the man to lead his country in such a crisis, Winston Churchill , his first lord of admiralty took over as Prime Minster in 1940.

中国外交部长李肇星出席会议并发表讲话。Chinese Foreign Minster Li Zhaoxing, foreign ministers of Arab states and Secretary-General of the LAS Amr Mahmoud Moussa were present at the meeting.

斯里兰卡广播公司国家电台援引政府发言人、新闻部长阿努拉亚帕所说的,这是“完全错误的”。The island's state radio Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation quoted government spokesman and Media Minster Anura Yapa as sayingthat it was "utter false".