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老实说,我还从来没见过一个不性感的俄罗斯女人——这位金发美人当然也不例外。I'm never met a non-sexy Russian woman. And this blond babushka is no exception.

直到今天,也没有人知道巴布什卡夫人到底是谁,她的身份是什么。To this day, no one knows who the Babushka Woman is or what she was doing there.

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至今,没有人知道究竟巴布什卡夫人是谁又或者她当时在那里做了什么。To this day, no one knows who the Babushka Woman is or what she was doing there.

我们都知道圣诞老人,但老婆婆、圣尼古拉斯和黑彼得呢?We all know about Santa, but what about Babushka , Saint Nicholas and Black Peter?

晚上下了很多雪,所以老婆婆看不到智者的足迹。Much snow had fallen in the night, and so Babushka could not see the tracks of the wise men.

那时候她赶到伯利恒去,但当时约瑟一家人已到埃及去了。In fact , by the time babushka arrives in bethlehem , the holy family has already left for egypt.

圣诞节就要到了。我们都知道圣诞老人,但老婆婆、圣尼古拉斯和黑彼得呢?Christmas is on its way. We all know about Santa, but what about Babushka , Saint Nicholas and Black Peter?

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只有自己偷偷的把一条红色的杂头发的头巾胡乱塞在下身。Have oneself only secretly fill in the babushka of a red miscellaneous hair in the private parts at random.

她被称为头巾女士,因为那天她戴的头巾是祖母级的人经常戴的。She was referred to as the Babushka Lady because she adorned a ‘babushka’ which is a head scarf worn by grandmothers.

1970年,一名名叫贝弗利·奥莉佛的妇女自告奋勇声称,她就是那个巴布什卡夫人,然而在她的叙述里含有很多自相矛盾的地方。In 1970 a woman called Beverly Oliver came forward and claimed to bethe Babushka Woman, though her story contains many inconsistencies.

1970年,一名名叫贝弗利·奥莉佛的妇女自告奋勇声称,她就是那个巴布什卡夫人,然而在她的叙述里含有很多自相矛盾的地方。In 1970 a woman called Beverly Oliver came forward and claimed to be the Babushka Woman, though her story contains many inconsistencies.

巴布什卡上方的灯是它的开关,轻轻一按,它就会伴随着不通颜色的变换一直地转圈圈。Turn Babushka on and off by pushing down on the top of the light, and watch it faze through its cycle revealing varied colors as it goes.

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人们一般认为是巴布什卡分发礼物给孩子们的。巴布什卡是一个老太太的形象,她经常在下巴下系一条头巾。Traditionally a figure called Babushka gave gifts to the children. Babushka is an old woman or grandmother with a headscarf tied under the chin.

同样的头巾搭配很恰当,不过,牛仔帽和短上衣,演绎混搭的风情同样出色。Same babushka collocation is very appropriate, nevertheless, cowboy hat and jerkin, deduce mix the amorous feelings that build likewise wonderful.