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你替我买把小阳伞行吗?要素底子的。Will you get me a quite plain parasol ?

太阳伞下的时候会点哪种鸡尾酒?Which cocktail do you order when lying under the parasol?

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各种直骨伞,折伞,太阳伞,广告伞,高尔夫伞和沙滩伞等。All kinds of umbrella includes stick, folder, beach, golf and parasol.

炎炎夏日,阳伞成为女士们外出时的必带物品。In a summer of seething heat, a parasol becomes a necessity for ladies.

唐诗中梧桐意象蕴含着丰富的爱情意义。The Chinese parasol image contains plentiful love meanings in Tang Poetry.

她收起阳伞,坐在那儿,心不在焉地在沙砾上画着图案。She had furled her parasol and sat absently drawing patterns on the gravel.

鹦鹉啄余红豆粒,凤凰栖老碧梧枝。Parrot pecks left the red bean, Phoenix dwells old the green parasol branch.

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炎炎夏日,阳伞成为女士们外出时的必带物品。In a summer of seething heat, a parasol becomes a necessity for ladies outside.

这种雅致的太阳伞能有效地遮挡阳光,也能很好地防雨。This elegant parasol is great for sun and is also a functional umbrella for rain.

一个年长的已婚男子撑一把雨伞或阳伞陪伴新娘。An older, married man walks with her, holding an umbrella or parasol to cover her.

九根36.58米高的柱子共同支撑起巨大的空中雨篷结构。The nine columns 36.58 meter high each are together lifting the parasol onto the sky.

拾掇起最后一片绿叶,走在梧桐叶满地的路上,不禁产生一种诗意盎然。I picked up the last green leaf , walking on the Parasol leaves , I can't help think the poem.

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“千里眼”旁边的凉伞将军,是当妈祖巡游时,为妈祖挡风摭雨的守护神。Near thousand-mile Eye is Parasol Admiral, a tutelary god who protects Mazu from rain and wind.

大梧桐树下,老人打扫着落叶,地上留下条条丝纹,清闲却又思远。Big Chinese parasol tree, the elderly clean leaves, left on the ground for all threads, but Rex.

这些家伙把它们毛茸茸的洗瓶刷放在头上,就像某种遮阳伞。These guys hang their bushy bottle brushes overhead like some kind of parasol to keep the sun off.

夏天,在正午阳光的照耀下沿着海滨小路散步时,最好带一把阳伞。In summer when you stroll on eh boardwalk in the noonday sun, it is advisable to take along a parasol.

近日,有网友在某论坛讨论男士该不该打伞。Recently, some Internet users are discussing in a forum whether men should use a parasol as ladies do.

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曾经我的愿望只是坐在你的单车上,和你一同穿越在种满了梧桐树的道路上。Once I wish was just sitting on your bike, and you pass through in full of Chinese parasol tree on the road.

犹如薄纱那样展开它的柔软如羽毛的肢体,去捕捉浮游生物,这是在加勒比海的鳄鱼岛。A gossamer parasol spreads its feathery arms to catch plankton in the Caribbean waters of the Cayman Islands.

接着这枝子就被折断了。她把它握在柔嫩的手里,并且还用绸阳伞替它遮住太阳。And the Branch was broken off , and she held it in her delicate hand, and sheltered it with her silk parasol.