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非参数检验最好用秩和检验。Rank sum test is preferred.

但多数学校对此却并不排名。But many schools don't rank.

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如今他肩披上尉军衔。He holds the rank of Captain.

对风险进行综合与分级。Synthesize and rank the risks.

我们把他列为大作家。We rank him as a great writer.

增加了每个等级的升级成本。Added Maintanance Costs per Rank.

Waitlist上是否有排名?Is there a rank to this waitlist?

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柠檬能起到去腥的作用。Lemon can play the role of go rank.

它在套牌里排序最低。It has the lowest rank of the suits.

佩奇和布林共同排在第26位。Mr Page and Mr Brin rank joint 26th.

他的领章表明他的级别。His collar badge designates his rank.

你把华滋华斯列为哪一类诗人?。How do you rank Wordsworth as a poet?

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你把华滋华斯列为哪一类诗人?How do you rank wordsworth as a poet?

这位将军被免去了军阶。The general was stripped of his rank.

获胜的马是一匹完全不起眼儿的冷门马。The winning horse was a rank outsider.

他被降为下士。He was demoted to the rank of corporal.

他被提升到上尉军阶。He was promoted to the rank of captain.

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只有两位妇女担任大使。Only two women hold ambassadorial rank.

剑桥大学的排名从第三名上升至第二名,UCL从第七名跃升至第四名,而牛津则下滑到第五名。Oxford slips from fourth to fifth rank.

很难把你的目标按其重要性排序。Rank your goals in order of importance.