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当我想到我承担的风险时,我也会害怕。I cringe when I think of the risks I took.

是的,你也许还犹豫,畏畏缩缩,不过不要担心。Yes, you might cringe at them, but that’s ok.

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看到这类文章的时候我经常感到局促。I sometimes cringe when I see these kinds of articles.

是它们未被料想到的后果令我往后退缩。It's their unintended consequences that make me cringe.

学校的老师们对这样的发音恐怕是不敢恭维。School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation.

可怕的昆虫是否会使您畏缩,而尸体会将您变得面色苍白?Do crawly insects make you cringe or dead bodies make you blanch?

对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。坐立不安。Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.

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对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.

如果你看到有人拿锤子打他的拇指,你可能会畏缩。If you see somebody bang their thumb with a hammer, you might cringe.

在其他畏缩的时期,他们可能为所驱,敦朴的担当风险。They can be impulsive, faithful and take risks others may cringe from.

当我听到科学家们说‘数据自然会说出一切’的时候,我泪流满面。So when I hear scientists say, “The data speak for themselves,” I cringe.

乍一看,这些话足以让项目经理感到畏缩。At first glance, these words may be enough to make a project manager cringe.

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加速业务的交付的途径可能需要管理者的妥协。What might speed up delivery for the business might make a regulator cringe.

每当收听美国运动赛事的解说时,英国体育迷们有时会想退避三舍。English sports fans sometimes cringe when they hear commentary on US sports.

人们说我是这项运动的历史上最优秀的球员,对此我感到诚惶诚恐,如果作为一个观点我可以接受。People say I was the greatest ever to play to the game. I cringe a little bit.

他的眼睛和意志不畏缩,他听到的最后一句。Bobby winces , and wills his eyes not to cringe as he hears that last sentence.

现在看看那些我之前满意的作品,我实际上感到后怕。Lookingback now at the product I was formerly satisfied with, I actually cringe.

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我可能会为她们出于自我表现而做的一些事情感到紧张。I may cringe at some of the things they take on in the spirit of self-expression.

在以简洁为主题的工作环境中,大图片、视频、大网页将再也不会令访问者望而却步。Large graphics, videos, and unfitted page content will surely cause visitors to cringe.

我都会在第二天早上发现同样的结果现在看起来是那么恐怖。The next morning I'll look at it again and cringe at the horrible abomination I've created.