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这个精明的政策被过去的作为所熟知。This astute policy is informed by the past.

精明的商人懂得如何感情投资。Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally.

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对租契上的每个细小之处都要讲究。An astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease.

毕晓普认为新浪在微博上线时具有敏锐的政治嗅觉。Bishop said Sina was politically astute when launching Weibo.

高洛德是一位精明的商人,对宣传目光敏锐。Gourard was an astute businessman with a keen eye for publicity.

但是法庭对于虚假索赔可是有火眼金睛的。But the courts have been pretty astute at seeing through bogus claims.

审计办公室的报告把引人注目的“机敏”级潜艇的项目单独列出。The chaotic Astute submarine programme is singled out in the NAO report.

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机敏的人或数学家将认识到,这里将发生什么?The astute or the mathematicians will realize that what will happen here?

杰迪纳克的敏锐的自我感觉也许对于证明这条规则是个例外。Jedinak's astute self-perception may be the exception that proves the rule.

他天资灵慧,一定能够学有所成。Smart and astute in nature, he will surely make great achievements in study.

这次花费几亿美元的大手笔,证明了迈克尔·杰克逊的精明之处。The purchase, for several hundred million dollars, was one of his more astute.

黑暗势力非常狡猾,知道如何用秘密手段来迷惑你们。The dark are very astute and know how to use underhanded means to catch you out.

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虽然她的老师认为她是个粗枝大叶的人,但事实上她相当机灵。Though her teacher thought she was scatterbrained, she was actually quite astute.

杨云的战术素养很高,他的出色表现吸引了拉涅利的目光。Yang Yun is tactically astute and he caught Ranieri's eye with his superb display.

北约组织,非常机敏并能够‘尽其所能’地搜集情报。Nato, he said, was being astute and would "take information from any source it can.

徐峰心机被子聪占领,吴珊珊不想让徐峰尴尬遂提出分手。M quilt astute occupation, and all WuShanShan don't want m so embarrassed to break up.

简是我认识的最机敏的老师之一,她教授关于天文现象的课程。Jane is one of my most astute coleagues. She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon.

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国防部还否认“机敏”级潜艇计划的延误会导致潜艇作战能力缺口。The MoD also disputes that the delay to the Astute programme will lead to a capability gap.

克利希被认为是很棒的签约,但被认为缺乏专注度。Gaël Clichy has looked an astute signing but carries a reputation for lapses of concentration.

前者是精明的商人,控制着印度大多数的经济和股票市场,是优秀的企业家。The former are astute business people and control most of India’s economy and the stock markets.