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尽管修通了隧道。Despite the new tunnel.

不顾那正在飘落的雪。Despite the falling snow.

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尽管天气很热,但是他还是哆嗦了一下。Despite the heat, he shivered.

不管外面的风有多冷。Despite such cold winds outside.

我不由自主地爱这个世界。I loved the world despite myself.

尽管有暴风雨,他继续开车。He kept driving despite the storm.

虽然它的字音不一样。Despite its different pronunciations.

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我想那女刚出生的宝宝是在追你。I consider these girl is despite you.

尽管如此,他仍然是我父亲。Despite all this, he is still my father.

尽管天旱,丰收依然在望。Despite the drought, we expect a good crop.

尽管贸易放缓,但它仍在继续。Despite the slow-down, the trade continues.

希望我们这样去相信。And despite what they would have us believe.

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尽管价格高昂,莉塔还是买下了这枚戒指。Rita bought the ring despite the high price.

尽管年代久远,这座建筑物仍巍然屹立。This building holds up well despite its age.

这也就是为什么我会不顾一切持续抗争。This is why, despite everything, I fight on.

尽管整夜学习,我还是考试不及格。I failed the test despite studying all night.

我朋友不由自主地开始放松了。And despite himself, my friend began to relax.

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虽然年事已高,我还是要学开车。Despite advanced years, I'm learning to drive.

糊里糊涂中,我开始登山。Despite my confusion, I ascended the mountain.

该电影情节虽然落入俗套,但还算是部好电影。The movie was good despite its formulaic plot.