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日将暝。The sun is setting.

落领不齐。Misaligned collar setting.

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设定新时区错误。Error setting new timezone.

设置阶段是至关紧要的。Setting the stage is vital.

文件中无效的设定选项。Invalid setting in the MSDOS.

恒湿器设置要低。Lower your humidistat setting.

放河灯啊!Setting lanterns on the river!

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图片以海为背景。The picture has a sea setting.

落日把天空染成金色。The setting sun gilds the sky.

您不出海捕鱼?Aren't you setting out fishing?

金红色的太阳正在西垂。The golden red sun was setting.

设置像素的位块传输帧Setting the pixels blitting frame

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落日把天空染成金色。The setting sun inflames the sky.

圆圆的太阳已经要落山了。Already the round sun was setting.

我是一个目标设定法的倡导者。I am a proponent of setting goals.

把默认设置调为“小”。Make "small" your default setting.

设置全系统范围的核心限制Setting the core limit system-wide

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落日余晖微染那片云层。The setting sun tinged the clouds.

然后,你就可以看一看目标的设定了。Then you can look at goal setting.

设定帧率时发生错误。Error while setting the frame rate.