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安塞尔·亚当斯。Ansel Adams.

安塞尔亚当斯死于1984年。Ansel Adams died in 1984.

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亚当斯和我是不共戴天的死敌。Adams and I were deadly enemies.

亚当斯退休后回到了昆西的农场。Adams retired to his farm in Quincy.

家兄弗雷多。这位是凯亚当斯。My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.

特里·普拉切特是继亚当斯之后的又一幽默作家。Second-funniest writer, after Adams.

为什么它叫Kate,Adams?“Why do they call it the Kate Adams?"

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“遵命,长官。”亚当斯说完便收了线。"Roger, sir, " Adams said, and signed off.

保罗·亚当斯在马里兰米德堡报道。Paul Adams reports from Fort Meade in Maryland.

人事主管叫什麽名字?The name of the Personnel manager is John Adams.

隔壁亚当斯老大娘的猫又不见了。Old Mother Adams next door has lost her cat again.

可好景不长,亚当斯面色冷峻,走了进来,放起一段录像。Adams entered, looking grim, and cued up a recording.

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但是亚当斯希望2025年前将之提高到60迈/加仑。But Adams wants to stretch that to 60 m.p.g. by 2025.

那看起来像是亚当斯家族会开的车。It looks like something the Adams family would drive.

小亚当总统在任时期,美国没发作什么严重事情。Very little happened while J. Q. Adams was President.

第二天,亚当斯整个人都紧张兮兮的。Thenext morning I felt a wall of tension around Adams.

亚当斯在1735年出生在马萨诸塞湾殖民地。Adams was born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1735.

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由我们的故事大王泰瑞.亚当斯主持。Brought to you by our resident storyteller, Terri Adams.

然后夏莫斯先生高举起一只手,说道,“亚当斯。”Then Mr. Summers raised one hand high and said, "Adams."

亚当斯没有多说什么,他放了一张照片在他桌上。Adams said no more, but he placed a new photo on his desk.