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我们应更加努力以促进大众的福利。We should exert more efforts in furtherance of public welfare.

所以有必要对政府采购制度的深化进行思考。It is necessary to think about the furtherance of government purchase system.

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有一整套的技术专门用来促进一心多用。An entire class of technologies is dedicated to the furtherance of multitasking.

每一个角色都是伟大整体的一部分,都是共同利益的一个促进因素。Each role is recognized as being part of the greater whole and a furtherance of the common good.

是指对事业,理想或目标强烈,狂热的热爱和为促进它不知疲倦的勤奋精神。Zeal is strong, enthusiastic devotion to a cause, an ideal, or a goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance.

我们觉得这种热情一定会进一步促进北大国际MBA和西点军校之间的关系。We feel that this type of hospitality will be very instrumental in the furtherance of BiMBA- West Point relations.

所有思考应从你们的上帝思维发出,只有那时,你们才会被指导如何去成为,以及如何去做去进一步实现存在。All thinking should flow from your God mind for only then will you be guided how to BE and what to do in furtherance of Being.

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梳理家书在书信发展史中独特的轨迹,对于发掘家书的审美价值有很大的助益。Arranging letter home's particular locus in letter's development, is furtherance to exhume the aesthetic value of letter home.

村里的农民为促成改进学校的目的,正在修建一套新的科学教堂。In furtherance of their aim of improving the school, the peasants in the village are building a new set of science classrooms.

美欧支持反对派尤先科,是北约、欧盟东扩思想的继续,是对俄罗斯的进一步挤压。The US-EU support for Yushenko was a continuation of the NATO-EU expansionist ideology and a furtherance of pressurizing Russia.

新的世纪里,随着经济全球化进程的加快,企业之间的竞争将更加激烈。In the new century, with the furtherance of economic globalization, the competitions among enterprises will be severer and severer.

创新教育作为一种教育理念,主要依赖于学校教育的具体落实和深化。As an educational idea, innovative education depends, to a large measure, on concrete implement and furtherance of school education.

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但随着改革的深化和依法治国方略的推进,民营企业在产权问题上的法律风险也逐渐凸显。With the furtherance of reform, the legal risks that the non-governmental enterprises face in the field of property right are coming in.

并且让男性力量被爱与美的生命创造所吸引,使他臣服于她,并在生命的推进中保持他的力量。And such was the male force drawn to the love and beauty of the Creation of life, that he surrenders unto her keeping the force of his powers in the furtherance of life.

它应履行必要的职能,以执行本协议的各项规定,并推动其目标,特别是有关协调一致的目标的实现。It shall carry out the functions necessary to implement the provisions of this Agreement and the furtherance of its objectives, in particular with respect to harmonization.

18各位专家学者所作的学术报告对促进和改我们的工作,必将产生积极的影响。The presentations given by various scholars and specialists at the conference are sure to exert a positive impact on the furtherance and improvement of our work lying ahead.

委员会还可请求技术委员会提供其对促进本协定上述目标的实现适当的其他工作。The Technical Committee may also request such other work from the Committee as it considers appropriate for the furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives of the Agreement.

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委员会还可要求技术委员会提供其对促进本协定上述目标的实现适当的其他工作。The Committee may also request such other work from the Technical Committee as it considers appropriate for the furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives of this Agreement.

随着我国加入WTO和高等农业院校改革的深入,农药学科在农业院校中的地位越来越重要。With China's join WTO and the furtherance of agricultural college and university reform, Pesticidology is playing more and more important role in agricultural college and university.

“三个代表”重要思想是马克思主义中国化的产物,是世情、国情、党情的时代经验的总结。Key thoughts of Three Represents are the furtherance of Marxist in China as well as the practical experiences drawn from the world situation, the state condition and the Party's development.