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黑钨矿的润湿性是各向异性的。The wetting character of wolframite is anisotropic.

钨矿物除黑钨矿外,还伴生有少量白钨矿。There is also small amount of associated scheelite other than wolframite.

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后者则以出现岩浆白钨矿和黑钨矿为特征。However, the Xintianling granite contains magmatic scheelite and wolframite.

本文是黑钨矿类质同象系列研究成果的一个组成部分。This study is part of the systematic investigation of the wolframite isomorphous series.

本文试验了以稀硝酸作为黑、白钨矿分离的选择性溶剂。Diluted nitric acid is used as a selective solvent to separate scheelite from wolframite.

矿石中钨的物相分析通常只分析钨华、白钨矿和黑钨矿。In ordinary chemical phase analyses of tungsten only tungstite, scheelite and wolframite are dealt with.

必须根据地质规律开展黑钨矿山的深部和周边找矿。The exploration on the deep and around of wolframite mine must act according to the geological regularities.

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本文主要综述国内外黑钨细泥浮选药剂研究情况,重点阐述了黑钨细泥浮选捕收剂的研究进展。This thesis mainly reviews the researches of flotation reagent for fine wolframite in internal and external.

分别介绍了黑、白钨选矿工艺主要技术进展情况。The development of main mineral processing technologies of wolframite and scheelite are presented in the paper.

本文较为详细地考查了石英、方解石和黑钨矿三种均质物料在球磨机中的磨矿动力学行为。The dynamic behaviours of homogenous materials, such as quartz, calcite and wolframite in grinding mills are examined.

对原生钛铁矿,海滨砂矿,原生金红石,黑钨矿等有色金属的粗选。To roughly separate some non-ferrous metals such as native ilmenite, beach placer, native rutile, wolframite and so on.

葡萄牙帕纳什凯拉黑钨矿为微倾斜极薄矿脉,开采难度大。Portugal Panasqueira wolframite deposit consists of very thin, gently dipping veins which are very hard to mine efficiently.

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另外还系统地试验了试样灼烧温度和灼烧时间对黑、白钨矿溶解率的影响。The effects of ignition temperature and period of ignition on solubility of scheelite and wolframite have been investigated.

本研究详细考察了微细拉黑钨矿剪切絮凝浮选的主要影响因素。In this paper, the effect of various main factor on the shear-flocculation flotation of ultrafine wolframite particles was investigated.

浮选试验结果表明,甲苄胂酸是黑钨和锡石细泥的有效捕收剂。The flotation experimental results showed that methyl benzyl arsonic acid is an effective collector for wolframite and cassiterite slime.

本文介绍了用甲苄胂酸和丁黄药混合捕收剂浮选黑钨细泥的成果。In this paper, methyl benzyl arsonic acid and sodium butyl xanthate are investigated as a mixed-collector for the flotation of wolframite slime.

浒坑钨矿床是位于江西省中部武功山成矿带的大型石英脉型黑钨矿床。Hukeng tungsten, located in Wugongshan metallogenic belt in central part of Jiangxi Province, is one large scale quartz vein type wolframite deposit.

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强硅化岩是与钨矿化有成因联系的花岗岩浆接触变质和硅质交代作用的产物。The strong silicified rock is a product of metamorphism and siliceous metasomatism of granite genetically correlated with Pangushan wolframite deposit.

并在相同粒度、相同矿物量等条件下进行了本法与草酸法、盐酸-柠檬酸法的黑、白钨矿溶解率的对照试验。Comparing the solubility of scheelite and wolframite in dil. nitric acid with those in oxalic acid or in hydrochloride acid-citric acid has been carried out.

本文应用结构化学和络合物化学理论对萘羟肟酸与黑钨矿的作用机理进行了研究。The theory of complex chemistry and construction chemistry was used to explain the mechanism of action between naphthalene hydroxyl oximino acid and wolframite.