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西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。Western Snowy Plover , Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.

北美旷野和的大型类鸻的矶鹬。Large plover like sandpiper of North American fields and uplands.

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美洲内陆水域和牧场的鸻,叫声特别。American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry.

生存在海边,以小型的贝壳、昆虫还有植物为食。The plover lives by the ocean and feeds on small shellfish, insects and plants.

这里是马来西亚鸻飞来产卵的地方。它们总是成双成对。This is the place where Malaysian Plover come to lay eggs, they stay in a couple.

在鸟的繁殖期快要结束的时候,雌鸟离婚的比率就下降了。Towards the end of the plover breeding season, the rate of female divorce declines.

在千鸟的繁殖期快要结束的时候,雌鸟离婚的比率就下降了。Towards the end of the plover breeding season, the rate of female divorce declines.

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船湾淡水湖。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。Plover Cove Reservoir. The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit.

本港两大水塘──万宜水库和船湾淡水湖,总存水量合共5.07亿立方米。Hong Kong's two largest reservoirs, High Island and Plover Cove held 507 million cubic metres.

两名救护人员迅速地将普洛弗放到担架上抬进救护车里。The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance.

然而,数量最多的是杓鹬,脚鹬和灰斑鸻也被记录到。However, nationally important numbers of Curlew, Redshank and Golden Plover were also recorded.

大会不会向各参赛者提供车位,无许可证车辆不得驶进大尾笃闸口及水库范围。Vehicles shall not enter the entrance of Plover Cove Reservoir as well as the reservoir area without permission.

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在岛屿上有多样的海鸟及岸鸟栖息,包括濒危的褐鹈鹕、燕鸥、还有笛珩。A variety of seabirds and shorebirds inhabit the islands, including the endangered brown pelican, least tern, and piping plover.

1951年,比弗在爱尔兰打猎时与同行者争论哪种鸟是欧洲飞得最快的鸟,3年后他们还在争论这个问题。In 1951, he was out shooting in Ireland and got into an argument about whether the golden plover ranked as Europe's fastest game bird.

大埔涌尾近船湾淡水湖的新娘潭路路旁。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。Along Bride's Pool Road, near Chung Mei Plover Cove Reservoir, Tai Po. The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit.

为保护福斯特的燕鸥和受到绝种威胁的西方雪原船水鸟的栖息地,而进行的池塘自然恢复工程,已经花了数百万的美元。The restoration project has spent millions of dollars on pond habitat for shorebirds like Forster's terns and the threatened Western snowy plover.

由于东方环颈一向被认为是冬侯鸟,其繁殖行为的被发现后,在鸟类学上颇具意义。Because the Oriental snowy plover has always been considered a migratory bird, this new discovery holds considerable significance for ornithologists.

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乌蛟腾位于新界东北部,不属于船湾郊野公园范围,是本港物种最丰盛的低地丛林之一。Wu Kau Tang, located in the northeastern New Territories and excluded from the Plover Cove Country Park, is one of the most species rich lowland forest sites in Hong Kong.

石壁水塘位于香港大屿山的南大屿郊野公园内,邻近石壁,是香港储水量第三大的水塘,仅次于万宜水库和船湾淡水湖。Shek Pik Reservoir is a reservoir in Shek Pik on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. The reservoir is the third largest in Hong Kong after High Island Reservoir and Plover Cove Reservoir.