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摩西将圣坛洗净Moses purified the altar.

圈中央是一座石制祭台。Space is a central altar stone.

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这祭坛有是亵渎!The Altar has been desecrated !

在这里单独建了一座祭日坛。So this Sun Altar was built here.

请坛友验证。Please Friends validate the altar.

这月坛可真是太漂亮了。The Moon Altar sounds so beautiful.

他和玛丽嘴甜结婚了。He led Marry to the altar yesterday.

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请神赐福于圣坛并保佑你的孩子。Bless the altar and bless your child.

他跪在祭坛前祈祷。He knelt as a suppliant at the altar.

接着,诺亚为上帝修了一座祭坛。Then Noah built an altar to the Lord.

牧师在圣坛前行鞠躬礼。The priest bowed down before the altar.

也在那里审判以色列人,且为耶和华筑了一座坛。And he built an altar there to the LORD.

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以前圣坛在这里还是很重要的。Once the altar used to be somewhere here.

英雄从方舟中出来,搭起了祭坛。When the hero emerges he builds an altar.

你所有是否作活祭献在坛上?。Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?

作为牲礼,她在祭坛上放上了鲜花。She put flowers on the altar as an offering.

诺亚立刻建造了一个石头祭坛。Straightaway, Noah built an altar of stones.

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他们平伏在祭坛前。They prostrated themselves before the altar.

到了目的地,亚伯拉罕就筑了一个祭坛,把柴放好。Abraham built an altar and put the wood on it.

还有用鲸鱼油做成的长明灯。There is also an altar lamp burning whale oil.