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教训乡里的道德家们怎样去死。That teach the rustic moralist to die.

政治家无法成为道德家。A statesman cannot afford to be a moralist.

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他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist.

这是每一位崇高道德家所关心的主题,从斯宾诺沙到康德再到佛洛伊德。This is the theme of every great moralist from Spinoza to Kant to Freud.

这是每一位崇高道德家所关心的主题,从斯宾诺沙到康德再到佛洛伊德。This is the theme of every great moralist from Spinoza to Kant to Freud.

幸运的是,道士殿似乎没有大的损坏。Luckly, no major damage seems to have occurred to the House of the Moralist.

只有应然,没有已然﹕引致律法主义,靠自己努力,把保罗说成一位道德教师。Imperative without the indicative —leads to legalism, self-saving efforts, Paul is a moralist.

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这个行动使自己得到了连最热心的慈善家都希冀得到的满足。The satisfaction derived from this act was all that the most ardent moralist could have desired.

所以在这一段中你可以看出,霍布斯自诩为道德学家,作品不超出道德思想伟大传统的范围。So you can see in that passage Hobbes takes himself to be a moralist writing within the great tradition of moral philosophy.

新的倒塌涉及25英尺长的花园围墙环绕庞贝古城最有名的建筑之一,即所谓的道士殿。The new collapse involved a 25-foot-long garden wall which surrounds one of Pompeii’s best-known houses, the so-called House of the Moralist.

反对功利而支持传统道德,但前提是,传统主义者们必须控制住自己,不能滥用联邦政府的强制力。The libertarian in me disagrees with the utilitarian but will support the moralist, as long as the moralist promises to refrain from using the coercive power of the state.

但是,如果“该人现在是在白宫的政策”?那个人恰好是积极和道德家?什么样的总统和外交政策的流动从这样的领导者?But if "the person is now the policy" at the White House ? and that person happens to be both activist and moralist ? what kind of presidency and foreign policy flows from such a leader?

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庞贝监管局在一份电子邮件声明中说,“道士殿后面的露台跨塌,拖垮了花园围墙”,其责任归咎于毁灭性的强降雨。“The terraces behind the House of the Moralist have collapsed, bringing down the garden wall,” Pompeii superintendency said in an emailed statement, blaming the heavy rainfall for the smashup.

庞贝监管局在一份电子邮件声明中说,“道士殿后面的露台跨塌,拖垮了花园围墙”,其责任归咎于毁灭性的强降雨。“The terraces behind the House of the Moralist have collapsed, bringing down the garden wall, ” Pompeii superintendency said in an emailed statement, blaming the heavy rainfall for the smashup.