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我是一个勤奋好学的女孩。I am a studious girl.

普林斯顿有相当勤奋的学习环境。It's a fairly studious environment.

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他越勤奋,他妈妈就越高兴。Tne more studious he is, the happier his mother feels.

勤奋好学,愿从基层做起。Studious , willing to start from the grass-roots level.

那个勤奋好学的女孩努力成为班里最优秀的学生。The studious girl struggled to be the best in the class.

我觉得,在这里,总体来说,UCLA的每个人都爱学习。I think, by and large here, everyone at UCLA is studious.

勤奋好学钠结构和奉献是我最大的优点。Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.

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一个营养全面的孩子往往更有可能会成为一个勤奋认真的孩子。A well-nourished child is more likely to be a studious one.

真的?我一直以为你是个勤奋好学的孩子呢。Really? I always thought of you as being a kind of studious kid.

还有敬爱的雷锋叔叔,他勤奋好学的精神也值得我们学习。Lei Feng still beloved uncle, his studious spirit worthy of our study.

这是热心好学与政治谈判的典型表现。A symbolic performance is combined with studious political negotiation.

老师和同学们的印象中,她是一个文静,好学而又诚恳的天主教小女孩。Teachers and students remembered her as a quiet, studious and devoutly Catholic girl.

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艾黎奥描述他的拉恩是一个勤学的男孩,苦读诗书又勤练武艺。Elio describes Ran as a studious son, both in book learning and in the ways of warfare.

高中的时候划分得很严格,比如说,这个人爱社交,那个人爱学习。where you kind of get a strict, you know, this person is social, this person is studious.

塞尔玛是个勤奋好学的姑娘,她对蒂妮和莉娜那样轻浮的姑娘是不大能容忍的。Selma was a studious girl, who had not much tolerance for giddy things like Tiny and Lena.

他把中途阅看的文件——悄悄地放在一边,回答律师的好学。Halfway through the document, he quietly laid it aside and returned the lawyer's studious regard.

好学的,爱古物的,人们自然喜欢北平,因为这里书多古物多。Those who are studious or archeological like Peiping because there are many old books and antiques.

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在范西姆等等老师的辛勤培育下,学生勤奋好学,培养出优秀歌手人才。Fan Ximu teachers in hard to cultivate, etc. , the studious students, cultivate a good singer talent.

让好学的沪友们尤为兴奋的是精彩纷呈的日语角和英语角。What really excited the studious YesHJ user, were the wonderful and exciting Japanese and English corners.

好吧,我是有点死读书,但我也爱运动,而且还是校报的体育编辑。OK, I was more of a studious type, although I played sports and was sports editor of the high school paper.