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时光如水,生命如歌。As time, life Cantabile.

愿你的幸福如歌。Would like your happy Cantabile.

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如歌岁月因时间的行走而抑扬顿挫。Cantabile years of time walking and cadence.

第二乐章是有名的悠扬的行板。Its second movement is the famous Andante Cantabile.

浪漫是一段经典如歌的岁月,恒久弥留!Romance is a period of classic cantabile years, enduring dying!

于是,设计师确定了“纯美,如歌的行板”的设计主题。Then, stylist decided " pure beauty, cantabile andante " design a theme.

02的年轻人谁没有,谁不爱,但我们有我们的青春已如歌。Youth who did not , who did not love , but we have our youth has gone cantabile.

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这里是美丽如歌的画板,为您的风采添姿增色!This is the beautiful Cantabile Sketchpad , for your presence posture hyperchromic Tim!

整篇小说以及小说里展现着的爱情,仿佛一首如泣如诉的行板,带给读者独特的阅读体验。The whole novel is like a cantabile andante , leading readers to the wonderful world of love.

它的画风富丽、典雅、清新别致、如诗如歌,具有浓郁的东方风韵。Its style is elegant, fresh and unique, full of poem cantabile , and with a rich Oriental charm.

乐曲共分引子、如歌地行板、欢腾的快板、尾声等几部分。Music is divided into Introduction, Andante Cantabile in the joy of the Allegro, and the end parts and so on.

这一切的一切,无不如诗、如画、如歌、如梦,在我的心头萦绕,牵动你一片片悠悠的远思。It all, all poem, painting, Cantabile , Like a Dream, in my mind lingering affects you a long and far-thinking.

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远方的大学,遥远的故乡,我在中间穿梭,如诉如歌。University of the distant, distant homeland, I am in the middle of the shuttle, and if the cause of action Cantabile.

轻柔的摇曳,渐渐而动的娇羞,优雅的配色似如歌的行板,浪漫温馨。Sway gently, slowly and the charming be ashamed that move, elegant match colors is like cantabile andante, romance is sweet.

崇尚中国传统的美德,也喜欢现代生活的奔放与豪迈,是一个沉静时如水,欢乐时如歌的女人。Respect for the traditional Chinese virtues, like modern life, bold and heroic, when the water is a quiet, happy woman when Cantabile.

我喜欢看“上野树里“演的”交响情人梦”,所以我也喜欢看她演的“乌龟意外地游得快”。I enjoyed "Nodame Cantabile" of which the heroin is Ueno Juri, so I'd like to watch "The Turtle Swims Fast" in which the same actress appears.

本文论述了这套练习曲集在钢琴练习曲发展史上的地位和作用、并通过对其技术以及钢琴语汇的分析,阐述了作品中所表现出的歌唱性与动力性。It represents the status of the Gradus in piano etudes-history. It also analyses the technique and piano language of the Gradus, expounding the style of cantabile and dynamic.

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窗帘帷幔往往最具柔情主义。轻柔的摇曳,渐渐而动的娇羞,优雅的配色似如歌的行板,浪漫温馨。Curtain antependium often has tender feelings principle most. Sway gently, slowly and the charming be ashamed that move, elegant match colors is like cantabile andante , romance is sweet.