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这是栋有三角墙的房子。This is a gabled house.

这儿有一座古老的教堂,样子古雅,显得零乱,是带山墙的建筑。Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled.

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建筑的山墙屋顶、管道和内部结构被暴露在外。The building's gabled roof, pipework and internal structure were exposed.

从收割过的麦田望过去,你可以看见那些好看的人字形屋顶,像是漂浮在这一大片的麦田之上。You can see its pretty white gabled roof floating above a sea of corn stubble.

DO简言之是由乌黑的金属屋顶和大小适度的三角山墙组成的建筑。ROKUTENGOKEN-DO is simply put, a modest sized gabled building with a jet black metal roof.

谷仓反映了当地长型山墙农舍的直线形式。The barn has a linear form that reflects the local architecture of long, gabled farmhouses.

建筑有一个典型山墙屋顶的轮廓,在中央空间创造更高的天花板。The building has a typical gabled roof profile, creating higher ceilings in the central space.

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桁架住宅覆盖了暖色的雪松和充足的玻璃,顶部为山墙屋顶。The stick-frame homes are clad in warm-coloured cedar and ample glazing and are topped with gabled roofs.

其他结构包裹了阿拉斯加雪松壁板,三角形屋顶则使用了瓦楞金属板。The other structures are clad in Alaskan cedar siding and topped with gabled roofs made of corrugated metal.

梦幻般的角楼和巴罗克风格的山形墙让城堡那异想天开的浪漫魅力呼之欲出。The romantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exterior of turrets and gabled baroques.

比如说中国的古代建筑的屋顶,为什么它们普遍都会有一个山形的屋顶和四到八个上翘的边角?For example, the roof of Chinese ancient buildings, they all have gabled roofs with four to eight turn-up edges.

这是甲方的要求,这个问题很容易因为我在以前的很多项目中设计过许多山墙屋顶。It was the request from the owner and was easily answered as I designed many gabled roofs in my previous projects.

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在此基础上,引入反映端板连接的半刚性节点,建立了门式刚架的有限元模型。Based on above research, the paper introduces semi-rigid joint and sets up the finite element model of gabled frame.

在另一侧,山墙的轮廓参考了原始结构的形状和街区的历史。From the side, a gabled profile references the shape of the original structure and the history of the neighbourhood.

结构的预制木框架外露是为了强调三角墙屋顶形成的主要大厅。The structure's prefabricated timber frame is left exposed to emphasise the form of the gabled roof inside the main hall.

古朴材料设计的山墙屋顶与从各个建筑的边缘延伸出的现代平屋顶形成对比。The gabled roof and rustic materials contrast with the modern, flat-roofed cubic volumes extending from the various edges.

在哥德式的教堂中,中堂往往是一个小的山墙,从中央的北部或南部突出。In Gothic cathedrals the porch was often a small gabled structure projecting from the northern or southern walls of the nave.

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推导水平集中力作用下单跨门式刚架考虑节点半刚性的侧移计算公式。The single span gabled frames horizontal displacement formula is deduced when the horizontal concentrated force is applied to it.

这些继续为现有结构的山墙线,立面上也加入了大型的金属框架窗。These continue the gabled line of the existing structures, which have also had large metal-framed windows added to their facades.

门式刚架中,压型钢板在做屋面维护结构的同时,还承受维护结构平面内的荷载。In the gabled frames, the profiled sheet that is used as the roof and the wall can also resist the shear force in their own plane.