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我在陕西如何能取到钱?How can I take money in Shaanxi?

下一站是陕西南路。Next stop is South Shaanxi Road.

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西京,陕西某处。West Abandon, somewhere in Shaanxi.

陕西省煤、铁储量丰富。Shaanxi has rich coal and iron deposits.

黄陂路和陕西南路都可以!Huangpi Road and Shaanxi Road South can be!

宝鸡古名陈仓,是陕西省第二大城市。Baoji is the second largest city in Shaanxi.

我在陕西科技馆学到了很多科技知识。I learned a lot at the Shaanxi Science Museum.

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对陕西蜻蜓目昆虫资源进行研究。Studied odonata resources in Shaanxi Province.

张虹是我省著名的女作家。Zhang Hong is a famous female writer in Shaanxi.

陕西省旅游主推的就是西安市旅游。Xi'an is a main tourism city in Shaanxi Province.

翻译求助陕北是中国的革命圣地。North Shaanxi was the Mecca of Chinese revolution?

王锋是陕西省玉林的一名工作者。Wang Feng is a worker at Yulin in Shaanxi Province.

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你看,有剪纸啊、秦腔啊、皮影戏啊。Such as paper cutting, Shaanxi Opera and shadow play.

刀削面是山西、陕西一带尤为出名的小吃之一。Sliced noodles are a famous Shanxi and Shaanxi snacks.

陕西咸阳有长虹集团吗?There is long rainbow Corp. in Shaanxi Xian Yang City?

由此证明,分离出的病毒是PCV2型。The ORF2 gene was amplified from PCV2 Shaanxi isolates.

郭线庐,男,1957年出生,陕西潼关人。Guo Xianlu, male, was born in 1957 in Tongguan, Shaanxi.

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陕西省榆林市,71号新建南路。No. 71 Xinjian South Road, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province.

沈鹏,男,1980年生,陕西汉阴县人。Shen Peng, M, 1980 Health, Shaanxi hanyin county people.

位于陕西省扶凤县城北之佛教圣地。Scenic Famen north of the Fu Feng Town, Shaanxi Province.