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最后一步,为灯具选择光源。Last pace, choose illuminant for lamps and lanterns.

另外要利用辅助光源营造气氛。Want to use auxiliary illuminant to build atmosphere additionally.

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首选的办法是补充人口光源。The method of first selection is compensatory population illuminant.

相对来讲墙面光可以减少顶光源带来的阴影效应。Comparatively metope light can reduce the shadow effect that top illuminant brings.

一种精制的石油馏分,适于在有灯芯的灯内燃烧作为照明用油。A refined petroleum distillate suitable for use as an illuminant when burned in a wick lamp.

相对来讲我比较主张墙面光,这样可以减少顶光源带来的阴影效应。Comparatively I advocate metope is smooth quite, can reduce a shadow effect that illuminant brings so.

同时,本章也提出了一种利用直线拟合求解光源色度的算法。Furthermore, a new algorithm is developed to estimate illuminant chromaticity by linear fitting approach.

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一般可以在吊柜下部布置射灯光源,并设置方便的开关装置。Can decorate illuminant ejaculation the light in condole ark bottom commonly, set convenient switch plant.

第二章首先对灯泡的结构和螺旋灯丝的结构及发光情况作了阐述。In the second chapter, the bulb structure and the filament structure and the illuminant circs are presented.

乙炔的混合物,用于为切削或焊接金属提供高温环境。A colorless, highly flammable or explosive gas, C2H2, used for metal welding and cutting and as an illuminant.

照明灯自发光的光电电池,并通过最光栅光栅示范。The illuminant emitting light is incepted by photoelectric cell through most grating and demonstrative grating.

关于设备的人脸识别,它需要昂贵的设备,如数码相机,棱镜和光源。Regarding the equipment of face recognition, it needs costly equipment such as digital camera, prism and illuminant.

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本文介绍一组绿色可见光,可适用于测定感绿医用X线胶片的感光度。This paper introduces a green light illuminant suitable for determining the speed of orthochromatic medical X-ray film.

灯具的造型很独特,它将光源发散,均匀地洒向书房的各个角落。The modelling of lamps and lanterns is very distinctive, it illuminant diverge, even ground is aspersed to each corners of the study.

通过对校园道路的光源选型、灯具布置等方面进行的研究,分析了校园光环境的使用特点。By research on selection of illuminant and arrangement of road lightings, the author analyzes the features of campus luminous environment.

本灯具出厂时不配光源,由用户自配,建议使用亚明、飞利浦光源。As the illuminant has not been provided when the lamp leaves factory, it shall be offered by users. We recommend the illuminants of Philips or Yaming.

在起居室,你可以运用不同光源的组合变化,依照自己的需要,创造出暖和的气氛或戏剧性的效果。In living room, you can use the assorted variation of different illuminant , him according to need, innovation gives warm atmosphere or dramatic effect.

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内装镇流器技术参数同飞利浦、亚明,强烈建议使用者配置飞利浦、亚明光源。The technical parameter of inner ballast as compared to philips and yaming we strongly suggest the users confesting the illuminant of philips and yaming.

照明上以天花板吊灯为主光源,辅以床头的台灯为局部空间提供照明。With the ceiling droplight gives priority to illuminant on illume, complementary offer illumination for local space with the desk lamp of the head of a bed.

最新的研究结果显示,只有利用一种不易引起眼睛疲惫的阅读光源,才是解决孩子近视问题的要害。Newest research shows as a result, only what benefit causes eyestrain not easily with a kind read illuminant , just be the key that solves child myopia problem.