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她说她的孤挺花死了,问我要不要火锅罐?。Her amaryllis died. Did I want the fondue pot?

阿玛丽利斯植物美丽的植物生长在你的花园里或家中。Amaryllis plants are beautiful plants to grow in your garden or home.

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另外,还有一些白色的小喇叭花和一些黄色的小野花。In addition, there are some small white amaryllis and some yellow small wildflowers.

石蒜和水仙是获得一些冬天快乐的传统候选植物,而且具有充分的理由。Amaryllis and narcissus are the old standbys for some winter cheer, and for good reason.

本研究以鳞茎盘为外植体建立了朱顶红组织培养的技术体系。The bulb of Amaryllis vittata was used explant to establish the technique system of tissue culture.

热带美洲产的一种孤挺花,因具美丽的白色到红色的花而被广泛种植。Amaryllis of tropical America is often cultivated as a houseplant for its showy white to red flowers.

石蒜的鲜艳的大红会改变整个房间,让房间感觉更干净、更健康。The shocking fresh red of an amaryllis changes an entire room and makes it feel cleaner and healthier.

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朱顶红是一种四季开花球,即经过处理后,朱顶红可在任何您需要的时候开花。Amaryllis is a flowering season ball, that is, after treatment, Amaryllis can flower any time you need.

在我正舔着最后几滴时,母亲打来了电话。她说她的孤挺花死了,问我要不要火锅罐?As I was lapping up the last few drops, my mother called. Her amaryllis died. Did I want the fondue pot?

了解所有与园林园艺,从一本免费影片秘诀阿玛丽利斯园艺植物护理。Learn all about amaryllis plant care with gardening tips from a horticulturist in this free gardening video.

为何不像他人一样,在树荫下玩弄喇叭花,或是尼哀若的发卷?Were it not better done as others use, To sport with Amaryllis in the shade, ? Or with the tangles of Neaera's hair?

我会从易于照顾的盆栽如伞树或桂顶红或盆栽番茄开始。I'd start with an easy to care for houseplant like an umbrella tree or amaryllis or a potted tomato plant out on the deck.

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我会从易于赐顾帮衬的盆栽如伞树或桂顶白或盆栽番茄起头。I'd start with an easy to care for houseplant like an umbrella tree or amaryllis or a potted tomato plant out on the deck.

传统的圣诞花是猩猩木。其他通常用的节日植物是冬青树,红色的孤挺花和圣诞仙人掌。The traditional Christmas flower is the Poinsettia. Other popular holiday plants are holly, red amaryllis and Christmas cactus.

耐寒的孤挺花,颠茄完全随阳光而定,我将它们种在庭院中最热的地方。The hardy Amaryllis belladonna are completely dependent upon sunshine and I have them growing in one of the hottest spots in the garden.

既然可以“在树荫下玩弄喇叭花或是尼哀若的发卷,为什么还克制自己肉体上的满足呢Why deny myself physical gratification if I could just instead ? sport with Amaryllis in the shade or with the tangles of Neaera's hair?

既然可以“在树荫下玩弄喇叭花或是尼哀若的发卷,为什么还克制自己肉体上的满足呢“Why deny myself physical gratification if I could just instead ? sport with Amaryllis in the shade or with the tangles of Neaera's hair?"

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我们将上好的瓷器与水晶器皿用在每个特殊的日子,例如减掉一磅体重,疏通了水槽,或者孤挺花初开。We use our good china and crystal for every special event, such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.

选择一个全方位豪华度假,也不会完全说明你没有环保意识,海滩度假地,孤挺基督教堂,巴巴多斯、西印度群岛都可以。For a full-service luxurious getaway that won't completely pummel your eco-conscience, the Amaryllis Beach Resort in Christ Church, Barbados, West Indies, may be the ticket.

石蒜凝集素的纯化、性质及构象研究2。单子叶石蒜科植物朱顶红和风雨花甘露糖结合凝集素基因的克隆及序列分析。Study on Purification, Characterization and Conformation of Lycoris Radiata Agglutinin 2. Molecular Cloning and Analyzing of Agglutinin from Amaryllis Vittata and Zephyranthes Grandiflora.