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发布公司的社交媒体政策。Instate a social media company policy.

他会任命梅森一个位高权重的职位。He will instate Mason to a high position of power.

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f先生的情况,谨此高兴地告知,他是一位足以信赖的人。H. F. , we have pleasure instate that he is a thoroughly reliable man.

建立海洋学院第一阶段的筹备性援助。Preparatory Assistance for the Establishment of an Oceangraphic Instate Phase I.

相比同一个州内的其它学校和费用而言,堪萨斯大学都是很强的竞争者。In general if choosing between instate schools or choosing based on cost KU is a strong contender.

帕默向他保证,等他当上总统,他会任命梅森一个位高权重的职位。Palmer assures him that when he does become President he will instate Mason to a high position of power.

另外,国家可以指令高效的法院系统,辅助主动执法机构。Alternatively, the state can instate an efficient court system, aided by active law enforcement agencies.

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我们奉行“以质量争市场、以信誉求发展、以产量求效益、以薄利争市场”的宗旨。We always instate the major idea that surviving by quality, development by reputation, benefit by output, market by low profit.

据路透社报道,Google4月份即将通过一项新计划,使其雇员能够提前出售其所持股票期权。Reuters is reporting that Google will instate a program to allow employees to sell vested stock options early, beginning in April.

对比计算了转换层分别设在不同楼层的三个例子,分析计算结果得出了一些有用的结论。The author has solved three different project problems, in which the transformed structure are instate in three variant storey. From which a several practical conclusion are drawn.

但民族国家地域常常较大的现实仍不可能让直接参与扩大到取代代议制参与占主导地位的地步。But the reality of the territory of national states being often great still makes it impossible to make the directive participation play the main status instate of representative system participation.