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分层教学的源头在中国。Teaching with layers headstream is in China.

夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.

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中世纪商人法是近、现代商事立法的源头和渊薮。The Merchant Law of Middle Ages is the headstream of classic and modern eras.

可持续发展观的提出有其一定的思想源头。Advancing the view of the sustainable development has its definite idea headstream.

许可的设定是行政许可制度的源头和基础。The permission setting up is administration permission system headstream and basis.

李庄是长江源头上一个有着1460年历史的古老小镇。Lizhuang is an ancient town with a history of 1460 years on the headstream of Yangtze River.

上海是中国钢琴工业的发源地,至今已有近百年历史。Shanghai is Chinese piano industry headstream , history having close century so far already.

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应狠抓源头,提高教师教学监控能力。The college shall take measures at the headstream to promote teaching monitoring capability.

介绍了用时空速度变化图寻找拥挤源头以及选择交通控制措施的方法。Finally, spatial temporal speed figure was introduced to help find the headstream of congest.

黑河源头流域生态环境建设保护项目是国家重点建设工程之一。The project of protective environment in Heihe headstream is one of the important project in our country.

黄河流域的周文化与长江流域的楚文化是构成华夏文化的两大源头。Zhou Culture of Huanghe valley and Chu Culture of Changjiang valley are the headstream of Hua Xia Culture.

罗马法是西方世界法制的源头,它深深地影响着欧洲大陆法系的发展。Roman law is the headstream of the Western legal institutions and it deeply influences the Continental Law.

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在软件过程管理系统中,需求分析是所有工作的基础和源头,是重中之重。In the software procedure management, requirement analysis is the foundation and headstream of the whole work.

第二章对我国企业国有产权交易制度的源流进行了考察。Chapter two reviews the headstream of the system of the transaction of state-owned property rights of enterprises.

自然法学在西方法学思潮中源远流长,为法学研究和发展提供了源头活水。Natural law has a long history in western legal theories and it is the headstream of the development of legal research.

总量控制是一项系统工程,它包括了从源头控制、处理过程监控到末端治理全过程。The total control is a system engineering, which consists of headstream control, processing control and treatment in end.

企业间的竞争由末端的产品竞争变成源头的人才竞争。The competition among the companies has become the competition of talents in the headstream instead of product at the end.

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正本清源,本文重点对其全集通行本——“瀛本”进行源流考述,以期为周必大研究打下文献基础。The paper mostly studies the headstream about Ying-edition of Zhou-Bida s corpora in order to lay a literature foundation.

目前,房地产是中国投资过热的源头,已经成为不争的事实。It has become an unarguable reality that current realty is the headstream that makes Chinese investment to be exorbitantly hot.

作为区域创新系统中“知识创新体系”的执行主体,高校R&D具有基础的源头作用。College R&D, the main body of Knowledge Innovation System in Regional Innovation System, plays a fundamental role of headstream.