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如何在讨论区崁入影片?。How to embed Video form Forum?

最好在转角处预埋一个穿墙导管。You'd better embed a wall bushing at the corner.

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不要将功能信息嵌入到字符串中。Do not embed functional information in the strings.

你也可以将全景图嵌入你的站点。You can also embed the panorama in your own website.

我们可以用插件将场地、膳食、服装等相关事项插入其中。We can use plug-ins to embed venues, caterers, dresses.

接下来,您将嵌入按照前面的步骤创建的视图。Next, you embed the view you created in the previous step.

你可以设置地理位置标签并嵌入到你的网站上。You can geotag and embed the panoramas in your own website.

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于是选择将水印信息嵌入到中频子带中。Then we choose to embed watermark in the frequency sub-band.

您还应该在项目团队中安插可用性工程师。You should also embed usability engineers on the project team.

最终你可以在一个类型的文件中嵌入另一个。Finally you could embed one type of document inside of another.

我如何嵌入一个定制的网站所有浏览器并格式的字体吗?。How do I embed a Custom Website Font in ttf format for all browsers?

在服务请求者方嵌入一个成员资格令牌符号到服务请求中,并且Embed a membership token in the service request at the requestor, and

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欧洲博主比世界其他地方的博主上传更多的音乐视频。European bloggers embed even more music videos than the rest of the world.

本网将提供流媒体直播,一旦开始,我们将把流媒体嵌入本网页。It will be streamed live here. We will embed the stream when it goes live.

然后,透过调整区间中各个像素的分布来达到藏匿浮水印的工作。And then we embed watermark data by modifying distribution of each division.

把AJAX请求的位置嵌放在锚元素的href属性中。Embed the location of AJAX requests in the href attributes of anchor elements.

在塔利班垮台一年之后,我跟随第82空降师一同前往。One year after the fall of the Taliban, I did an embed with the 82nd Airborne.

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利用彩色图像的YUV色彩空间的Y分量嵌入水印。Utilize Y component of YUV color space to embed the watermark, calculated HVS.

最后,调整均匀谱处理后的量化系数奇偶性,实现水印嵌入。Finally, adjust the parity of the quantization coefficients to embed watermark.

我的设计理念是,将“庭院”嵌入多层住宅中。My design philosophy is to embed 〝courtyard〞into multi-layer housing buildings.