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那可怜慈祥的妇人是个老处女。The poor good old woman was a spinster.

他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚妹妹。He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.

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他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚的妹妹。He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.

称呼官员”老处女”真是太过分了!Calling an official an "old spinster " was really crossing the line.

它听起来就像一个穿着镶褶边的衬衫和百褶裙的老处女。It sounds like some old spinster with a pleated skirt and frilly blouse.

我第一次见到你时曾经担心过你会不会变成个老姑婆。I've been worried since I first met you that you might end up being a spinster.

“在这种黄昏时候你要受凉的呀,”老处女姑母脉脉含情地说。"You'll take cold in the evening air, "urged the spinster aunt, affectionately.

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在某些国度里,总是会存在一些单身汉舅舅或者老姑婆阿姨,他们与亲密的朋友住在一起。There is always the bachelor uncle or the spinster aunt living with a close friend.

为何老女人会被叫为老姑婆或者老处女,老男人却会被叫为钻石王老五?。Why do we get stuck with old maid and spinster and men get to be bachelors and playboys ?

薇芸召集班底重新想对策,班底叫苦,称薇芸作老姑婆。Eu team non-success call again want to countermeasures, has cast, said eu non-success the spinster.

没有子女的大龄女性不再被习惯性地视为不育的老处女。A childless single woman of a certain age is no longer automatically perceived as a barren spinster.

因此,一个单身的老处女怎样才能鼓舞自己?当然是多花点时间陪陪自己步履蹒跚的侄子。So, what does a newly-single spinster do to cheer herself up? Go spend some time with her toddler nephews, of course.

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冷咸鱼、唠叨婆,老处女,我仍然记得在瑞克闯入我的生命之前自己的那些绰号。Cold fish, Old sourpuss, stuck-up spinster. I could still remember all the nicknames of me before Rick came into my life.

对这些知识的叙述表现为一种两边等价的形式,像一个方程,如“‘spinster’就是未婚女子”。These statements can take the form of two equal sides, like an equation, or the statement "A spinster is female and unmarried".

在1700年,一个纺纱者用踏板驱动的纺车生产一磅纱线需要花费200小时,而到19世纪20年代,只需要差不多1个小时就能完成。In 1700 a spinster with a pedal-driven spinning wheel might take 200 hours to produce a pound of yarn. By the 1820s it would take her around an hour.

在现代语言中一个18岁的单身女性是不会被称为老女人的,但是单身40的女人可能会被称为老女人。An 18-year-old single woman would not be considered a spinster in contemporary language, but a single, 40-year-old woman may be considered a spinster.

以“老姑娘”为例,这个词讽刺又恶毒。当然这个词本身是无辜的,但是它的内涵意却透漏着幸灾乐祸、鄙夷可憎的气息。Take the word "spinster". It is withering and unkind. The word, of course, is innocent, but its connotations are unhappy, dismissive and disrespectful.

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该片是根据阿尔弗雷德-杰林奈克小说改变而成的,讲的是终生未嫁、一直和专横的母亲生活在一起的钢琴教师被学生诱惑的故事。The Piano Teacher is based on the novel by Elfriede Jelinek about a spinster piano teacher, who lives with her overbearing mother, and is seduced by her pupil.

在1987年她过世的时候,还是个末婚女子,她的六部小说只有四部已经出版,并且全部是匿名的,她只挣到了共648.65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳。When she died as a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books.

在1987年她过世的时候,还是个末婚女子,她的六部小说只有四部已经出版,并且全部是匿名的,她只挣到了共648.65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳。When she died as a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books.