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对比研究认为专一性脱硫嗜温菌的脱硫基因的起源可能相同。It may be deduced that the origins of desulfurization genes from mesophilic bacteria are the same.

微生物的分解作用,主要在中温和高温阶段进行。The decomposition of microorganism mainly happened in the thermophilic and mesophilic stage during composting.

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而对污泥单独消化,预处理则不利于有机物的去除。For mesophilic anaerobic digestion of WAS alone, WAS pretreatment was a disadvantage for organic substance removal.

这一结果说明了定向进化在改善酶性质方面是比较有效的策略。The results demonstrate that directed evolution is an effective approach to improve the properties of a mesophilic enzyme.

这一结果说明采用定向进化技术有效地提高了酶的热稳定性。The results demonstrated that directed evolution is an effective approach to improve the thermo stability of mesophilic enzymes.

采用半连续实验方法,研究了中温厌氧条件下硫酸盐的还原行为及产生抑制作用的机理。The behavior of sulfate and mechanism of its inhibitory effect was studied under mesophilic condition with semi-continuous bioassay.

对厌氧生物转盘的分级特性亦作了详细分析,并提出了中温发酵条件下的厌氧生物转盘工艺设计参数。The characteristics of staging of AnRBC are also discussed and the design parameters for AnRBC under mesophilic digestion condition are presented.

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结果证明,该过程各类氮转化细菌以中温菌居多,最适生长温度35℃。The results showed that mesophilic bacteria were the majority in N-transforming bacteria in the process, whose optimum growth temperature was 35℃.

本文报导了一种用于农村沼气池中温发酵经济加温的柴油发动机的高效热回收装置。This paper investigates an"efficient installation recovering heat energy" used in rural biogas plant for economical heating in mesophilic fermentation.

本发明涉及嗜温嗜酸菌及低品位含钴硫精矿的生物堆浸工艺。The invention relates to mesophilic acidophilic bacteria and a biological heap leaching technology for low-grade cobaltiferous sulfide ore concentrates.

发酵各温段发挥除臭作用的微生物主要存在于中温段,其次是高温段,降温段并未发现。Mesophilic microorganism played better compared with the ones from high-temperature period, and the microbes from temperature-reducing phase had no effect.

再计算测试数据的统计量。由测试数据判断是否超过置信线,不超出则认为是嗜热蛋白。At last, determined whether it beyond the confidence line by the test data, if it beyond the confidence line, it could be considered as mesophilic proteins.

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接种厌氧絮状污泥,采用厌氧折流板反应器在中温下进行了处理低浓度废水的试验研究。The treatment of low strength wastewater under mesophilic temperatures was investigated in an anaerobic baffled reactor inoculating with anaerobic floc sludge.

采用半连续实验方法,研究了中温条件下不同硫酸盐负荷在两种不同实验基质中对厌氧体系产生的影响和抑制作用规律。The inhibitory effect of sulfate on anaerobic digestion was studied using two kinds of tested substrate with semi-continuous bioassays under mesophilic condition.

堆肥与此相反,它涉及一系列微生物,从嗜温性细菌、酵母菌、霉菌到嗜热放线菌和真菌。In contrast, composting involves a succession of microorganisms from mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and mould fungi , through to thermophilic actinomycetes and fungi.

采用主成分分析、偏最小二乘回归和BP神经网络三种方法对嗜热和常温蛋白进行模式识别。Pattern recognition of thermophilic and mesophilic proteins were studied through principle component analysis, partial least-square regression and BP neural network.

这种特性使其能经巴氏杀菌而残存于乳中,因此把芽孢数及耐热芽孢数、嗜冷菌作为原料奶检验项目之一,能较全面地评判原料奶的质量。Thus, the presence of psychrotrophic, mesophilic and thermophilic Bacillus spp from bulk raw milk should be taken as one of the detection items, in order to well judge the quality of raw milk.

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由于UASB进水水温夏季达到42℃左右,故UASB反应器采用夏季蒸气加热在高温条件运行,而其余各季中温运行的方式。Because the temperature of the influent would reach about 42 degree Celsius in summer, UASB reactors were operated in thermophilic condition at that time, and in mesophilic condition in other seasons.