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哪些国家被排除在外了呢Who does it exclude?

窗帘挡光。Curtains exclude light.

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应该排除哪些文件?What Files Should You Exclude?

政府采购普通公务车屏蔽合资车。Govt to exclude JV cars from purchase.

这些数字不包括无酬家庭从业员。The figures exclude unpaid family workers.

请不要忘了唐格拉风味的中国菜。Please do not exclude Tangra Type Chinese Food.

我们必须改变我们的发展模式,拒绝石油。We must change our development model to exclude oil.

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如果我的评级太低,卖者可能忽略我的报价。If my rating is too low, a seller can exclude my bid.

豁免期内不包括邮寄月结单。Exclude monthly statement during the fee waiver period.

如果需要,可以将项目排除在这个过程之外。You can exclude projects from this process if you wish.

但我们将把它们从较小的词典中排除出去。But we would exclude them from our smaller dictionaries.

组织学检查排除是肿瘤和感染。Biopsies were obtained to exclude neoplasm and infection.

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购买的可能性不排除很大。The possible purchase of Rafinha, do not exclude that big.

例如,一个“恰当”的笑话可以把一个局外人“挤出”圈外。An "in" joke can exclude outsiders from a clique, for example.

例如,我们可能希望将星期六和星期天排除掉。As an example, we might wish to exclude Saturdays and Sundays.

排除不在你责任范围以内的包和类。Exclude packages and classes that are not your responsibility.

不包括华裔美国人的话,这一数字下降至两三名。Exclude Chinese-Americans and the figure drops to two or three.

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消费行为也应列入促使购物者更长寿的原因。We shouldn't exclude consumption as reason shoppers live longer.

高昂的申请费以及需要请律师则可能把那些有资格的申请人排除在外。High fees and the need for lawyers may exclude worthy applicants.

数据包括门店的销售和网上销售,不包含汽车业。The figures include in-store and online sales, and exclude autos.