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她的心悲恸欲碎。Her heart was riven with deep sorrow.

树皮从树干上被扯了下来。The bark was riven off from the trunk.

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冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses.

该国北部常为地震所破坏。The northern part of the country is often riven by earthquakes.

该党也因派系斗争比以往更四分五裂。The party has also become more riven by factionalism than ever.

我们房后的古树昨天夜里被闪电劈了。The old tree behind our house was riven by lightning last night.

大峡谷并非人力所开而是受大自然之力而成的。The grand canyon was not dug by the hand of man, but riven by nature.

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而其内部也因为党内纷争出现分裂,甚至都没有一个大家都认可的党内领导。They are also riven with factionalism and without an agreed national leadership.

这项事务为利益冲突成为的焦点已经至少有两百年了。The whole business has been riven with conflicts of interest for at least two centuries.

香港就二零零七年后应否落实民主意见分歧,讨论激烈。Hong Kong was riven by a heated debate on whether democracy should be introduced by 2007.

波涛汹涌如山,闪电象一把叉子似地划破了漆黑的云层。The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning.

在这段期间,这个国家的政治家们也没有因为不同的宗教信仰而被暴力冲突分裂成各个集团。And for the time being the country's politics is not riven violently along sectarian lines.

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这意味着女性生命的后半部分将是痛苦的,经常被虚弱所折磨。This means that the second half of their lives can be painful and often riven by infirmity.

中国贫富差距,富家子弟的“形象问题”备受关注。China's rich kids have an image problem in a nation riven by a growing gap between rich and poor.

整个中国军队,从上到下都是不讲人道、尔虞我诈和一片恐怖气氛。The whole Chinese army, from top to bottom, was riven with inhumanity, double-crossing and terror.

现在赞助商和广告主终于对环法的药物滥用发难了。But now sponsors and advertisers are growing wary of association with a sport riven with drug abuse.

但即便在共和制度下,中国依然深受内忧外患的困扰。BUT EVEN as a republic, China remained riven by internal strife and lacerated by external aggression.

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而波黑联邦则存有分裂,不只在波什尼亚克族和克罗地亚族之间,而且还在波什尼亚克族领导人之间。The second is riven by divisions, not only between Bosniaks and Croats, but also among Bosniak leaders.

基什内尔夫妇自己的政党被内斗搞得元气大伤,这导致他们在上月的中期选举中丧失了对国会的控制权。With their own party riven by in-fighting, the Kirchners lost control of congress in mid-term elections last month.

而分肥立法和丑闻不断的财政援助凑在一块儿,很可能导致民粹主义者的倒戈相向。And the combination of pork-stuffed legislation and scandal- riven bail-outs threatens to create a populist backlash.