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还是纸坊?Or paper lane?

我需要一个纸盒子。I need a paper box.

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只是一架纸飞机罢了。Just a paper plane.

利用再生纸。Use recycled paper.

陶瓷纤维纸。Ceramic fiber paper.

画纸仍旧是一片空白。Her paper was empty.

没有铅笔和纸?No pencil and paper?

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纸被吹掉了。The paper blew away.

用白报纸把它包起来。Wrap it up in paper.

我可以传真这份文件吗?Can I fax this paper?

给偶一个纸盘。I need a paper plate.

拿些面纸来。Get some tissue paper.

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是棉婚还是纸婚?。Is it cotton or paper?

包内衬薄纸。Lined with Thin Paper.

我的纸袋在哪里?Where is my paper bag?

我能用修正液吗?Can I use Liquid Paper?

你会叠纸吗?Can you fold the paper?

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我会给试卷评分。I will grade the paper.

有些纸被弄得起了皱纹。Some paper is crinkled.

这种纸容易扯烂。The paper tears easily.