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我决定做个实验。I decide to experiment.

动手做一项科学实验。Do a science experiment.

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你参加了这个实验。You're in this experiment.

该枪已经用于制管实验中。It's applied in experiment.

受试者仅限男性。only men in this experiment.

在沙漠上的试验。The experiment in the desert.

两种方式在本质上是相同的It's still the same experiment.

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他们的实验仍然已矣了。Their experiment has were over.

这是个有争议的实验。Here is the critical experiment.

老鼠指爪实验“非常优美”Mouse-Digit Experiment "Elegant"

快啲嚟加入呢盛大嘅实验!Join this grand experiment early.

焦耳-汤姆逊实验。OK, the Joule-Thomson experiment.

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他们做了个完美的实验。And they do a beautiful experiment.

首先,你决定做一个测试。First, you decide on an experiment.

这是一种思想的实验。It is a kind of thought experiment.

实验证实了我的理论。The experiment confirmed my theory.

你就必须再做一次实验。You have to do the experiment again.

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时间旅行者暗中破坏实验?Did Time Tripper Sabotage Experiment?

齐白石开始在绘画上作尝试。Qi began to experiment with painting.

此试验的寓义是什么?What is the moral of this experiment?